I'm sure many of us have these kinda moments, whereby you just stop and stare (plays stop and stare music in the background) at your friends, and wonder where did our youth go? I'm turning 21 soon, (and i'll celebrate alone in Perth thank you very much) and when Xueying was driving Cor and I around, it struck me. We've aged. Aged so much that we're now having dinner at posh restaurants for our Birthdays, instead of the good ol' good ol' KFC Kiddy bash , where there were free nuggets and french fries to make our jolly stomachs satisfied and happy. You know, I should provide visuals, on how much my friends and I have aged.
 hee hee, I love Tanya Goh Pei Xuan  remember the days when Neo Prints were hip and cool?  NDP 06'  Last day of Sec school  Those were the days, right kids?  The Keys, Childhood friends since hell knows when.  And this is now. PS: Happy 20th birthday Zanna baby. I can't phantom the thought of us going to universities and studying, and soon we'll be getting jobs (OMG Tanya and Rah and even maybe Yum are working ladies already), we'll be getting married, we'll have our own kids running around making tons of noise to disturb the peace of this nation (or not :D), we'll have to worry about CPF, about our retirement, about retrenchment, about taxes, about our own cars (this one I cant wait) and hell knows what other things that may come along in life.
I've aged so much, that I am beginning to change my taste in music. I was shopping around in Raffles City and Gramaphone was playing and blasting this tune. It struck me and some hypnotic aura dragged me over to the store, to question what is the title of this tune. When M came out of the loo and couldnt find me, I ran over and told him that I love this song! and to my suprise, M actually knew this song too because when I started humming the song, he could continue the rest of the song for me.
So to end of my depressing post, I shall post up the song right here right now.
PS: It's on repeat mode |