Monday, May 12, 2008 |
Pre Singapore Flyer & The Real deal. |
Good evening morning my precious ones. It is I, Jillian, who bringth forth theee update for the week. Alright, I know I should not be lazy and rush through an entire entry in a week. I'm such a lazy fucker. Well, I've to say, my mood has improved tremendously. I swear last week was a very bad PMS week for me. I didn't even scream or make a din or . . create any drama for myself what so ever! haha. I'm very pleased with myself this week (stuffs a lollipop in own mouth) . For some retarded reason, I've been really hyped up about the Singapore flyer (actually since a fucking long time ago) but it seems as though this week was dedicated to it! I went over to get lil Z's and Miss Guo's birthday present (A singapore flyer ticket for 2) so they get to experience it for themselves. However, I didn't expect M to make sure that we would go this week. He always say we'll go, but we are such unpredictable creatures. So, This week I went up the Singapore flyer! and guess what, I'll be going on Monday again! Alright, you must be thinking I'm loaded or what, but I don't mind spending the cash! If you adore the feeling of being a giantic monster, gobbling up all the small buildings just at your feet, Oh boy, would you love the Singapore Flyer.
Enough of that, I've lot's to show you. PS: There's lots of photos but I assure you, I've resized it using photoshop and therefore, it would be faster to load. I'm trying my best! haha
Monday Blessy came over to bake and make a mess out of my kitchen! haha, I was super worried she would create chaos and cause my house to burn down into burnt bits. Thankfully, I still have a roof over my head! haha. But it actually didn't turn out that bad! here's some visuals to prove it!
 Here's some of the ingredients we bought over at the mama shop  What was suppose to look like our end product  B at work. (scared)  Hee, motherly!  Ok, the mixture.  Would it turn out good?  ....Right. ahah it didn't taste that bad! We had to dip it into Butter Cream to make it yuuuummmilicious.  haha! check out T's expression! I'm sure it tasted great! Alright, the whole gang came over, and we chilled over at my place and opp my place for a while :) Jessica and Blessy stayed over while the other 2 headed back home :D
Tuesday Woke up the next day, and we just basically sat around the whole damn day till it was night time and it was time to meet up with the other two for Crabs! we promised each other a crabs day when we would just feast on marvellous crabs! We wanted to eat over at MelBen Crab's place, but it was too freakishly crowded, we decided to head over to a less crowded coffee shop! But you know what, it still tasted pretty great if you ask me! Oh glorious crabs...After crabs, Blessy and Jessica carried on chatting while the 3 of us left for home :)
 Crabs!  OMG :D Foood.  The Gang  haha, look who's happy!  Going home!  M  Bf  She's my silly  I'll put 100 Tic Tacs in your letter box (if Singapore allows)  Sweetheart.  Here comes her bus!  Goodbye T. Wednesday I decided to run along and get Miss Guo and Lil Z's birthday present since I might not be in Singapore when she celebrates her birthday and Z's birthday is on Mother's day! double celebration, I know! Figured i might as well give them an interesting experience! As mother and son, and since Z is turning 2, it would be cute for him to board the Singapore flyer! haha. :) So I went out shopping and walking town alone. It was a great experience! haha. I must say, the Singapore flyer amazed me, like...woah. :) I was determined to up go the 42 Storeys monster.
 I'm gonna conquer you!  Beautiful.  Surroundings! I walked around searching for the nicest card...  And I hope both of you would like this!  I hung it at her place, just like what I used to do! Met up with Bf and M for MOS burg dinner. M went over to fetch his mum so It was just bf and I :D  OMG, Mos Chicken is the most worth it thing in MOS Burg! It's huge!  Yup, she's happy! She just got her pay! haha.  We're about to play a game!  Yup! she's already to eat!  We created Tea with Milk Shots and giving a toast to everything that meant something to us. :D Thursday
Play 21 Tanjong Pagar Road A generally younger and more mixed (straight/gay/lesbian) crowd than Taboo. The music is very good, the dance floor packed and there is a lot of shirtless eye candy on the dance floor. Credits: Dragon Castle.net
Alright, So let's go check it out. Rumoured that Thursday would be lesbian night, so Thursday night it was, and it was time to party! :D
 This candid shot is really nice.  Yes, mountain tortoises.  Birds!  Haha, hello Jessica  We went out to get drinks, thus the red-ness!  Someone was high on nothing but air! (cause she was the destinated driver!)  Blessy Janice Jessica and Jillian. :)  Hello!  The trio.  Haha! Please ignore my red face.  J twins who got hit on by tequllia shot girls.  haha! OMG! I look drunk.  Yup, we went out for more beer and booze  Interior! Alright, I admit, I was a lousy drinker that night. For some reason (maybe because I didn't consume anything before drinking) my headache was terrible! Usually I could consume more than I did that night, but for some reason, I just couldn't. Talk about getting on with some ladies that night. I couldn't even carry my own weight, needless to say I didn't bring home a hot chick that night. Fuck. But if you ask me, the atmosphere was right, there were drag queens performing every now and then and that really got the party started (gradually). If you are going to play, I would recommend you to go over at 12mn or later, because at 10-ish the party is no where near medium high. I need to go and train myself, and boost my alcohol resistance! haha. My headache was so bad, I went home before the rest of the girls did. Sorry girls!
Friday Early in the morning at 12nn, Blessy and I had to be at IDP to speak to Mr Adrian Kong about our Murdoch time table and sort out stuff. It was really enriching for the both of us and now we are trying to vie for shared accomodation :) Let's just see how things work out for the both of us. If we had shared rooms, it would so uber fun please. :) Right blessy? haha. Protocol please.
Blessy went over to Lil India to help her mum run errands while my headache still persists. M heard VIVO instead of LIDO, so he ended up at VIVO waiting for us. I took the NEL down to meet him and together, we headed back to my place to rest my dying and sore head.
Drank some hot soup and felt much better. PS: Sorry Alley cats, couldn't meet up yo. :( Felt really bad. :( I owe you guys one!
Head over to ECP for Dinners  ECP looks like KL somehow  OMG CARLS JR DRIVE THRU! (screams: Onion Ringsssss and Chilli Cheese Friesss!)  Oh yeah!  Doesnt he look like.... Click here to find out.  Delish. :)  M n J We found the route to the path on the expressway!  Here we go!  Singapore flyer!  us  Ok, I look fishy.  42 Storeys  Center of the ring yo.  Scenic  :D  Colours Went over to meet up with Bf and we hung out at Serangoon Gardens! haha :) we sat around and chit chatted and this is the chaos in Macs
Saturday So, the time has come for me to board on the Singapore Flyer! Whooo! Finally the day has come! Now, just to fill you in with a little bit of facts about the Singapore flyer!
Singapore Flyer Reaching 42 stories high, the Flyer comprises a 150 m (492 ft) diameter wheel, built over a three-story terminal building, giving it a total height of 165 m (541 ft). This exceeds The Star of Nanchang by 5 m (16 ft) and the London Eye by 30 m (98 ft). Each of the 28 air-conditioned capsules are capable of holding 28 passengers each, and a complete rotation of the wheel takes approximately 30 minutes.
Located on the southeast tip of the Marina Centre reclaimed land, it offers broad views of the city centre and beyond to about 45 km (28 mi), including the Indonesian islands of Batam and Bintan, as well as Johor, Malaysia. Credits: Wiki
Enough facts? Let's check it out!
 Great food = Popeyes!  Some scenic  Ferris Wheel  Us :)  Up close.  Waiting to get in!  6:15 boarding time.  Around the zone.  Getting in And of course in Singapore, we love to queue!  Tickets.  And queue again...  Hello  Hyped!  Oh! this is really cool! We have to stand in front of the green screen and they would superimpose the Singapore Flyer background to create an illusion as though you're the only ones in the cabin!  Ready!  Boarding in 3...2....1~  Cabin mates  Ok, im overly hyper now!  The view!  Looking down!  Wanted to see the sun set, but .. failed.  :D  Some artistic shots  Jilvyn  Overview  From the cabin  Looking down love?  M said he feels as though a monster was coming to gobble up on the buildings!  Ok the buildings look the same!  One of my favourite shots!  #2  #3 (the lights are on!)  Yes, do not be emo love.  ...or bored...  We're coming down soon! :(  Lights!  Of course, Gift shops!  The new Singapore Ornament  Great experience :)  I wanna stay here.  :D  Haha, ok, you must be wondering what up with the hairband right?  Night scene  Thanks M for going up with me :D  Goodbye Wheel  :D Felt the urge for Dim Sum so it was off to the airport for the both of us :D  Food :)  Yes, first time I was allowed to play with my food and this is what i created! haha. We walked around the airport, and of course the airport was an emotional place for the both of us. Especially since the day is nearing. We left the airport and headed over to Pasir Ris park to chill out and talk. :) Quiet moments with M is just... really quiet and peaceful :) Hee.
Sunday Happy Mother's Day! Whoooo! yes, another day to tell your mummy you love her! And not forgetting your grandmothers! :) haha.
I went to work today, and after resting at home (motion sickness) Our family went out for dinner! At Changi Village, and this time, lil miss Rich Janice Yue gave the family a treat! So this meant that Father's day would be my turn to treat the whole family :) haha. So thanks baby sister for giving us a treat! (She's rich because the government loves her and her brains!)
 See, everyone is celebrating Mother's day!  Daddy choosing the most expensive dish. (ok just kidding! haha)  Mummmmmmmmy!  Mummmy and baby sis  The girls :)
Dinner was awesome as usual. I had a great time dining with my folks (ok, only when we don't argue.) But its really sweet and all. Sharing food and slicing up the last piece of yam into four for all 4 of us to share. It's just these small lil things that make me realise, that I'll miss my family soo much when I'm over in Australia.
The family is way too important. Or rather a family is way too important. Family ties means alot to me. I mean, as much as my parents are really strict on me and all, but my family is the only bunch I can run to anytime, and they would receive me back with open arms. No matter what, we're blood related and nothing can erase that fact.
So, I thank God for my family. Thank you Lord :DLabels: Weekly Updates |