Friday, May 16, 2008 |
The World coming to an end. |
I was sitting at home, watching the telly, and there it was...a commercial again. I was about to leave the table and put my dishes back in the sink when I heard this... Starworld Presents: Sneek Peak. You'll never know when it strikes you.
 The happening - Opens Friday 13 June, 2008 The Happening is both written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, of Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, The Village and Lady in the Water previously. The movie is set to open on June 13th this summer. (what summer! Singapore is Summer all day long) credits: Firsthowing.net
You have to watch the trailer to find out why I'm so freaking fascinated by this movie. Goodness me, I've to catch it no matter what.
First the lost of speech, then your orientation, then it's fatal. Bascially the movie talks about the world coming to an end. What would be the last few stages. When I watched the trailer it seems as though it was a virus or some sort, I'm not too sure. But who knows , maybe the world would end because of a virus. But whatever it is, it has affected the whole of America. People started dying, technology started failing, everyone was running away from the fact that the world was coming to an end. What's worse, is that no one know when the virus would strike them. It would seem as though every motion detected, every emotion felt, would be the their last one.
Excitement. This would be a movie to watch. I hope Mr M. Night Shyamalan would not disappoint.
Talking about the world coming to an end and the world changing. Humans have gradually transformed themselves into weird looking creatures. What's wrong with the features that God gave you. Don't talk about losing weight or gaining weight. That's just normal. But altering your facial features and what not, and injecting lip collagen and botox into your face is just a BLEAH for me. So, I'm here to point out about the marvellous website I found while working at ESPN on sunday. I was that bored thank you very much. It's called...awfulplasticsurgery.com
Oh boy would you look at this.
Mr Aiken, Mr Clay Aiken, What the fuck is going on with you yo.
And would you check this out
Meg Ryan! Omg, I love you sleak and sexy slim lips honey. Why the pout trout now! :(
Ok that website is freaking awesome, I love to read how people's boob jobs are so messed up and honestly if you ask me, I think nose jobs are fine, but botox and collagen lip jobs are just retarded. Botox makes your face look all... Hard and shiat! A big no no for me if you ask me. Unless it's for medical reasons and if there's no choice. But if you have a normal mouth, nose, lips and ears. Keep it the way it is please. My goodness. I actually read up all the articles from sept 2003 till present date.
Ok I was that bored. Anyway, That's all I have for you right now. Till Sunday for weekly updates, Jillian out. |