Helllo! Yup, I'm back sexy biatches! haha! :) I'm backkkkk! Alright now for the weekly updates. Ok, seriously. I'm wondering if I should continue my style of weekly updates or do like whenever I feel like updating kinda update. Ok am I making sense yo!? Alright. Anyway, I just came back from supper with M and now it's like 5.14am on a Monday morning! Hello public holiday for all working peeeeople. :)
Ok as of current mode, I'm super addicted to the song " No Air - by Chris brown and Jordin Sparks". It's freaking awesome. At first I didn't think much of this song, but as soon as time goes by, I'm freaking addicted to it! It's on repeat mode! I realise the power of songs and how much music plays such an important role in everyone's lives. Have you ever wondered what would movies be like without their soundtracks, what would movies be like without sound effects or music playin in the background? It would not impose the same effect on the audience! And certain songs bring back certain memories. Songs bring back the most pleasant memories about places, people and it affects the way you think. Bah, what the fuck am i babbling about early in the morn.
This week, I'm lacking pictures because I wasn't in the mood to snap around, so just bear with the sparse visuals! :D I promise more the next time!
MondayIt's Z's birthday! Actually it's a day after Z's actual birthday! But I presented both Miss Guo and Z a lil present! which is a trip up the Singapore Flyer! and guess what, to top it up, Bf is coming along! wheee! Double happiness! So i met Bf before meeting the duo! :D

Donuts for Tanya, Z and Kexin :)

Bf with her soup yo!

And that's our dinner! :D
and we rushed through dinner because our Sg Flyer experience! 815 we had to be there because 8130 was our flight up! so we rushed through dinner and what not! haha but when we got there, we realise we can take up the next flight at 9pm! :D so we waited for Miss Guo and Zach! hahaha We had to run over to the Singapore Flyer because we were freaking late!

Now off to the Singapore flyer!

whoooooooo! :D

Oh yeah, bf! :D

This is a China-lady pose! haha :D

Oh! here comes the Duo!

Yup! :D Miss Guo and Z

And here's a China Lady and her kid pose!

Hereeeeeeee we go!

On A boardd! :D

Up up and awayyyy!

We waved to these folks!

We had the whole cabin to ourselves!

The view!

She used to be his nannnnny! haha

Singapore it beautiful at night.

The ladies. :)


Look at her snapping away!

Z loves the view!

Of course, let's all cam whore now!


In assorted colours
All credits to my tripod :D

Ok, please bear with me and my scenic shots

Lil Man! Lil Z! Lil Dude!

haha, and he's feelin blue


No no! I like it here!

Ok, z doesn't really wanna leave

Bf :)

Oh yeah!

Miss G :)

Z, do you wanna go down??

Oh yes, Z needed to piss! so he did it in the Sg Flyer! and
I think he's the only baby who did so!

haha! :D

Alright, we are going to go off now!
(look at lil man, he's waving too!)

Everyone say goodbye!

I know guys, you guys do not wanna leave :(

Oh yes, this is the photoshoot! :)

And Z waves goodbye to the fishes too :D
AFter which we sat over at Popeyes at the Singapore Flyer and we just caught up, and we talked rubbish. :) Seeing How much z has grown, it really make me feel really old and it's super adorable when he still remembers all the funny stuff i used to teach him (or..did he) But anyway! he still imitates me and does funny stuff! and I love the way he runs! haha, and I adored the ignore-zachery-game! haha. I enjoy just messing his lil mind up. telling him that cabs are planes and having kx stare at me like I just taught him how to create a nuclear bomb. haha Oh the joy. :)
TuesdayWell, I went back to school to help benson with a lil filming and to collect my graduation gown! and yes, the whole NYP stared at us as though we were retarded, walking in NYP like Imitation HARRY POTTER and Friends! haha. :)

Oh yeah, filming.com!

The year 2s

And the director, Benson Yap :D
After which we went over to Starbucks and chilled with Jessica M Blessy Darren Abner and Denise Dale came on later :) Blessy was heading to Taiwan the next day, so Starbucks was a mini farewell to say goodbye to the Girl leaving for Taiwan till the 22nd :) haha.
I miss her already :(
WednesdayI took over blessy's place in helping with an event some OSS Billing and Revenue Assurance event with Maria Belle Denise and Nadiah! haha. those girls are really having fun with all the Shangri La lunch and the fried cod fish is awesomeeeee! :) After work, I met up with M to hang for a while before we hung out with Jessica and Tanya for Dinner at MOS burger! haha. M went back home (and btw, he received a Summon and his cashcard got stolen, poor stupid ass) We caught a movie called..... What happened in Vegas!

It's a freaking predictable awesome show! :) Please watch it
That's all I can say!
(PS: Ashton is fuckingggggg hot!)
Rated: 4/5 :D
After the movie, Tanya went back first while I walked Jessica back to her place, before M arrived to send me home :D :D :D and he decided to snap a few pictures of his bike and here's how it really looks like. The bike was like a model! haha :)
credits to
Melvyn's blogThursdayThursday was shopping day for the girls and M made the right choice by not going! haha, we spent like forever shopping around man! haha. So we headed over to John Little to get Jessica's berms, but ended up I got my berms and she didnt! haha.

Shopping buddies
Tanya told us about the Topshop sale so we headed over there!

Oh yes, this was the place we stayed for 2 hours.

Yes, the queue and us :)
Jessica bought a pair of jeans, and T and I bought matching shirts! haha :) We're hilarious. But the queue was a killer! We had to queue up for like 1.5 hours! And it was horrible man! And T was hungry and so was Jessica! haha. It was really REALLY A shopping day! haha.
FridayIt was work day for M and I. Oh yes, M started work as well at his ex company! haha. :) Well, on my way there, the sunset was so beautiful, I had to snap away! :) can you see the satellite! hahah That's ESPN!

ESPN here I come

Oh yes the sunset is damn beautiful :)
After work, i collected my car with M and we picked jessica up to chill at Meng's and what not! :) Supper crew.com!
SaturdayApparently Bf told me she left her handphone charger at the office and I decided to give her a lift! :) :) and as we were driving..this is what happened...I was driving and I thought of havin Boon Tong Kee Toufu! :) and this is what happened...
Tanya: eh..you know what I feel like eating?
Jillian: Don't tell me...
Tanya: Boon Tong Kee Toufu.
Jillian: Boon Tong Kee Toufu!
Tanya and Jillian: OH MY GOD! haha.
So of course, we went to collect her charger and we headed over to Boon Tong Kee! Party up nowww Bf! Love it love it love! haha

The waterchest nut is as huge as Bf!

Oh yes the love for soup :D

Salad Prawn!With and without sunlight :)

Prawn Rolls!

Haha! We were damn bloody full after we were done and we had to even take away! Funniest thing was that when we drove off, I could not even buckle up! I felt so full man! haha, and as we were dancing to "September - Earth Wind and Fire" I kept singing "oh yeah, dance away teh toufu~dance away the Toufu!" haha. Bf and I blasted the music so loud, we just kept dancing and partying in the car! haha. I love my Bf!

She's my best friend :)

While waiting for M :D
We went to pick M up and we drove over to Funan to try to fix T's laptop! haha. But it was close, we drove over to far east to shop for a while, had dinner and it was time to head over to Dempsey cause Bf has never been to Dempsey before! So i insisted on going there!

Yes, check out the goodies!

And we bought stuff for Rah and Yum as well! :)

The people! :)

Bens and Jerry's! :)

Ok I don't really get it!

Bf loves the zone yo!

Heaven !

I love this darling

Alright, M :)

We're in the ride yo!

I really wished this was our ride.

Haha :) We should set up a store like this!

This is a picture of me and my bitch ! :)
We drove over to Town to chill at Starbucks and Benson came over to join us! :) we just chat, gossiped and updated one another! :) it was awesome! We drove over to ECP to talk and what not, and suppose to emo on the rocks but we scrap that since there was nothing to be emo about :) so it was time to head on homeeeeeee!
SundayBasically Sunday was laze laze day! I woke up to find the whole clan all sleeping and lazing around! :) even gabby and spotty was! haha I wanted to grab my phone to snap a few pictures of the lazy dogs! haha but oh well, lazy! that's why! lazy sunday! haha. :) But i went over to pick up sister's custom cups from M and I met up with my folks after which :) I sat down to watch TV with my dad for like 2hours, watching the apprentice and talking about office politics! I've yet to discuss australia details with him yet, oh well! Tml it shall be.
3.00Am I met M for supper and we went to Mengs. Apparently I was damn upset when I arrived at M's Atm and tried to withdraw money, and My POSB card wouldn't work. I was damn depressed and upset that I only had 7 bucks with me. But M decided to pay for supper and all. and he said I was a
Male Female MCP and I was damn prideful to let my partner pay. :) I just couldn't tolerate the fact that I can't support my partner and I can't pay for my own things. I don't wanna be dependent on others when it comes to money, ok maybe i'm dependent on my parents for money, but friends, no no no no no. Worse still, my own partner.
But I guess it's true. I'm a Female MCP after all.
Alright, I'm watching
Queer as Folk (Gay version of the L word) right now, I'm pretty much distracted by the sexy gays and their random making out in toilets and instant sexcapades. haha. I still cannot take the fact that gays believe in Fuck and throw. Woah, that's just woahhhh. :) Now two men who were taking drugs to spice up their sex lives, one of them just collapsed. WTF please. WTF. American gays are just wild boys.com! Please don't risk your life just like that please!
I wonder if Singapore Gay life is that happening. HEEHEEHEE.