Monday, May 26, 2008 |
PDA = Not Palm Top |
Good afternoon darling buns. :) I'm here typing at 2pm, on a Monday! Alright it's not the usual timing that I blog, but I'm very sorry! it's because I fell asleep on the floor last night! Right, I'm such a boob and I love to sleep on the floor. But let me tell you something, it runs in the family. My whole family (Except mother) lovessssssss to sleep on the cold hard floor. you should try it some time, its liberating. :)
Anyway, I've to blog about something very serious. Recently I've noticed an increasing number of Singaporeans showing PDA. PDA you say, Palm top? no no no my friend. It's called Public Display of Affection. I can't understand why can't they keep their hands to themselves on the trains, on buses or even in the shopping malls?! Yes, I know I'm in an open relationship right now, however, I can't see myself smooooching around with anyone while waiting for the train in front of 20 strangers.
That day at City Hall, I was waiting for the train and this girl just couldn't keep her hands off her boyfriend and she consistently keep giving kisses on her boyfriend's lips. And eventually frenching in the middle of no where. Now I understood why the boy wore sunglasses. I would. That is just totally embarrassing. Everyone was staring at them. Everyone was staring at them because everyone was facing the reflective door, so we could catch the action but be discreet about it.
Just that day, I was walking in marina square alone and I saw this couple hugging and smooching at the railing near Anderson's ice cream. I thought ok fine, Walk as fast as you can jillian. When I went around Marina Sq for 30 mins, and I ended up at the same spot. Guess what? Those two were Still standing there hugging and smooching!
Like hello people, God created bedrooms for a reason. God created men to build Hotels for a reason. Use it please. What's with the PDA. Hugging once or twice is fine. A peck on the cheek or lips is fine. But frenching and being stationary and being a hindrance to the human traffic is just being annoying.
Enough of that, Now i shall update you about the exciting week I had!
Monday Vesak Day meant a holiday for us, and a special day for others! For me, it meant heading out with my sister and bringing her out! :) Plus of course with my best friend! :) We head over to Ikea to shop around and what not :) I love these two girls of mine.
 Look at bf and her shopping-ness  haha, I love crabs  Charms say this is the puppet's thinking face, and thus sister bought it for her! haha After which, we Headed down to downtown for Dins!  Ti Amor!  Alright, I look pro and retarded and I love my bf!  Yup that's her alright!  Her Appetitizer!  The full course for us all!  I love this!  Sister's dessert! Drove over to compass point to grab pocky for my sister's crazy collection! some day I'll feature her collection. It is obsessive! haha. :) Anyway, M rode down and we hung at my house for a while. Sister needed to study so the 3 of us went out for prata :)
 Ok the roti john was filled with Flowers! (haha, that indian spice thing)  Flowers. Tuesday The day before, M and T came over to our place and noticed that Gabby was limping away like a hotdog and Daddy said It would be great if I can bring Gabby to the Vet! So i thought might as well! But, on Tuesday, When I went down, Gabby was already running around like some mad dog and barking away! So I guess he didn't need to go to the vet after all. He's such a attention seeking dog! (haha I typed dog as dong and couldnt stop laughing!)
M and I had a huge argument and I was super angry with him. Bf called me at the right time and I ranted. So we met for Dinner :) I love my Bf, What am I going to do in Australia without her. I am going to tear right now :(
 Sushi Tei with the Bf  And she's exploring her options  Ok she knows what she wants!  Glorious food!  I love toufu!  She loves chicken? haha. M wanted to meet and talk about our shitty misunderstanding and he was being a big cunt at that time I had no choice. :(
 The Beach with Bf before I left to meet M :) M and I talked, screamed, yelled and punched. But everything was resolved. PS: M, I'm sorry for making you feel insecure. No one ever feels secured with me, you know that right?
Wednesday I can't remember what happened on Wed. Oh! I bought loafers for Daddykins! cause he bought boots instead of loafers and he got conned. haha. Funniest. Now daddy is loving his new loafers man! :) Jessica M and T , we all met up at Tm to buy the loafers and hung around in the East! We went to white sands HK cafe and just talked :)
No visuals on that, but I got lomo shots! haha. I need a scanner! OMG. Who has a scanner to lend me?
 Lomo  Lomo 2  I need a scanner  If i scanned this, it would be nicer  M  Shims, Kx, and Ivy  Shots Thursday Thursday was running around Singapore day for me! haha. I went to meet Daddy to settle my IDP thing, he passed me the bank Draft and his car. :) I ran over to IDP to settle the admin stuff for my eCOE and ran over to PS to meet Yum :) Drove over to Pico art together to meet Tanya! and to end off my contract at Pico as well :D So the 3 lil punktards went over to fetch Rah! Rah was at work and we wanted to pick her up at her work place. But her work place was so desserted and it was jammed crazy, we had a hard time looking for her place. And what's worse was her HP battery went flat!
When we arrived at her office, we couldn't find her! she was gone! We thought omg we are going to die and be late for our movie! But thankfully she called us when she was atAljunid! haha :) that Peg! We laughed about that matter and just joked all the way to daddy's office! To return daddy his car! We asked if daddy could fetch us over to Downtown! haha. :) So he did and on the way, picked Sister up! T and I updated Rah and Yum about the madness and what not and we had a good time just talking and laughing.
It's just super heart warming to still be able to create and generate cold jokes with yum and probably jokes that only both of us understand. I love the feeling of just laughing with Rah about the sillest things she says and T, I love T so much. She's my pillar. :) I'll miss the Punktards when I leave :(
Anyway, Daddy was kind enough to lend me the car when we arrived home, and I drove over to Downtown east! :D It was Dinner and Movie Time!
 Rah! After much persuasion!  I love rah! I'll miss this babe!  IRON MAN! Finally Bf and I caught this show! Well, it's not as good as everyone claimed but It's a relatively good show! It's not that typical and I've to say the effects are really good Rated: 4/5 12mn, it was time to go back!  Bf and I lepaking in the car  haha :D Same Top! Same Outfit! :)  Love love  By now you should realise we're wearing the same outfit.  Mug shots  What the fuck am i doing  Home in Odessey. Blessy's Back in town already! :D
Friday Graduation day! The day I woke up early, to wear my formal top and formal pants. I felt as though I was entering a new phase of my life. I will be going to start work, (ok I've been working) I will be going to old, I will be having my own apartment soon. Graduation is like a stop over for me, to realize that this section of my life is over, and I would need to get ready for the next. :)
MS0502, I'll miss you guys so much :(
 Ming, Chels, Radz, Muneera, Bless!  The boys!  Chels, Rosy, Alixues, Maria  The girls! :)  In the auditorium  Credits to my baby sister!  Yup that's me!  Family!  Thanks for coming! My sister said 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . I felt cheeky and posed like this!  HAHAHAAHAH I LOVE THIS! Ok, so I took another proper one with my folks  love  baby sister!  Production crewwwww  I will miss these darlings!  NYP, Goodbye!  Thank you Yue clan for coming down!  Oh yes, I wore my gown till M came to snap a picture with me. Benson Blessy M and I sat at macs and updated each other about the latest and talked till we couldnt talk no more :) 4pm we all went our seperate ways. M and I went over to his place to catch my favourite show! Tong Xing Yuan (ok I'm such a loser) After which, I did up a report on behalf of M for his summon, explaining why they show wave off the summon. The whole point is M thinks that the police officer (NOT EVEN TRAFFIC POLICE) took his cash card and he wants it back. So I wrote the report for M till 9 :)
I felt tired so we hung around Pasir ris till 12 mn :D
 M  B&W  annoying bugger  Forever Quarrelling. Saturday Everyone say M and I quarrel over the most retarded and smallest things. But don't you agree that the smallest things matter? Yup, saturday was probably the biggest fight we ever had. It all started in the morning. However, I figured it was his own life that he was destroying with his bad habit so i left it as that. I was working and being frustrated at the same time.
After that, I met T and B at Far East for Long John Soup (OMG LOVE) and Jessica came along! We walked over to OG Center point and shopped for a while before we went for dinner! Jessica was really exhausted cause she was involved in the Great Singapore Sale Race!
 Ichiban Sushi!  Blessy! Welcome home darling!  T's feast  Gobble up!  Jessica is tired  Us :D At home, I called M to talk shiat. Slammed down phones, screamed, yelled and what not. It was upsetting but I guess I'm over it already. I'm pretty numb to this bad habit of his. But he said he'll try to change. We'll wait and see shall we. :D
Sunday I went to work and it was supposedly the last day at ESPN for me! :( I will miss that place man. Anyway, I called M to meet up and talk things out. We did and everything turned out fine. He even went to church with me after lunch. My dad was relatively please that he went to church with me :D haha. Had dinner with M and went home for family meeting :D
I love family meetings. :D After the meeting, it was supper for the crew. Daddy was hungry so we couldn't stay out too long. Sister is having holidays! So she's going to join my night life now! haha
 T and J  My sister and her unglamness  Alright, much better!
M came along and M had a really rough night after we left downtown east. I didn't make things any better and in fact I made it worse. I was sorry about it and M came along after ranting and what not. Pratas were eaten and Janice's longan drink was done. haha. :) It was time to go home to deliver daddy's Mee Goreng! haha.
 Gabby Yue Bin Bin Mao Choot Choot  he's feeling much better!  And this dog is here to say hello! Today (Monday, 26 May) Marks the 10th for M and I. Let's just hope we don't argue today. haha. We've been doing it for the past week. I hope nothing happens! If anything happens, I'll always have Mr Sunshine to cry on, right Miss G? haha. :D
Till then, Cheeeeeeeeeerio kids.Labels: Weekly Updates |