Gooooood Morning and you're reading another weekly update, posted by Jillian Yue. This week, has been a rather long week. Meet ups with Punktards, Miss Guo, Classmates and 2 Movies were watched this week. Talk about not watching movies in a really long time :)
Well, firstly I would wanna declare that I've sort of sorted out my thoughts with regards to which course I'm about to take, Thank God :D It's about time though. I'll be leaving end of July and my folks are really ready to go over to see me through orientation and all, which is really sweet. Thanks Yue-clan :) You guys are the best. It's not going to be easy when I go over, it's so hard to leave everything behind. OMG. Ok, the waterworks are about to start, so I shall move on over to the updates, aye?
Monday A few days ago, my trusty $10 Watch failed on me and I figured it was time I get a new one. Now now, you must be thinking, This Jillian is insane, it's only 10 bucks! How long can that watch last in the first place? 2 mins? Well, to be honest, the watch lasted pretty long! in fact, the mechanics are really good! Just from time to time, you've to be really consistent in changing the battery. :) I'm freaking lazy to change the battery, so I figured I might as well get a new watch :D So Monday was dedicated to getting a new watch with M. :D
Hello My new baby.
Guess where is this place? (answer: Top of Far East Plaza)
Bus trip to AMK because we are lazy folks, who refuse to stand in a crowded train
Jilvyn (I've not used this word in a long time)
I better shut up before I get too emotional
Tuesday Since monday, I was sitting at home from Morning till afternoon watching shows such as Tong Xin Yuan and OMG, it's getting really exciting by the way. I was suppose to head on to Town to shop with Bf, but we decided to make it a Odd-girls kinda thing. :) So Blessy came over to fetch tanya and I over to TM for Fish and Co.
Songs such like As long as you love me, and Sunshine by Gabrielle were playing throughout out entire dinner experience and It was really great. We kept singing along to all the tunes, especially As long as you love me, the staff figured we could really use a repeat for that song, so they repeated the song for us :D haha. and here's what happened.
Yes I know the chaos we bring as we travel around Singapore.
Wednesday Miss Guo asked me if I wanted to join her for a Hot Yoga Session whereby we would be placed in a room with temperatures at 38 Degrees. I figured, Ok, it would be really cool and plus, I need to sweat it out after pigging out at home for the past few days. However, I heard alot with regards to yoga, about it being a spiritual act and so forth. More ever, what is the Christian's view of yoga, especially since I heard stories from Jessica and My own sister. So, I just did my research and this is what I found out.
For many Christians in the West who don't understand the history behind it, yoga is simply a means of physical exercise, and strengthening and improving flexibility of the muscles. However, the philosophy behind yoga is much more than physically improving oneself. It is an ancient practice derived from India, believed to be the path to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
The word "yoga" means "union," and the goal is to unite one's transitory (temporary) self with the infinite Brahman, the Hindu concept of "God." This "God" is not a literal being, but is an impersonal spiritual substance that is one with nature and the cosmos. This view is called "pantheism," the belief that everything is God, and that reality consists only of the universe and nature. Because everything is God, the yoga philosophy makes no distinction between man and God.
When I went for the session, my intention was to get a general feel of what it would be like. So i guess yoga is somewhat not advisable for Christians, but now that I've got a taste of what it's like (minus all the times I kept laughing at all the vulgar positions), my muscles worked like crazy. So it is a recommended workout, if you ask me :D
So I rushed down to meet the love and we ran over to pacific plaza for the Hot Yoga Experience.
Alright let the class start yo
Lockers :D
Haha, I wasn't paying attention to the indian instructor (who had such a strong and thick accent, I couldn't comprehen. so basically I just followed the person in front and laughed my way through)
Kexin on concentration mode.
Consultant trying to persuade Kx to sign up
Spiritual? Yes? No?
Bath :D
Look who's feelin freshhhh.
Hello Miss G
And we were suppose to be thinking of how to get out of this place.
yes, im amazed by her high skirt :)
When we were walking back to the train station, we came across many great ads by Tiger Beer :) and Look at what she found.
Fart. haha
Kexin Guo Love.
Yes, just like an auntie, she was scrapping the board like crazy.
Here's a short clip of how hyper she was.
Thursday It's been freaking long since i've seen my Rah and My Yum and we decided to go out to catch a movie and so forth. We were on the phone from 1plus all the way till 3pm deciding and talking nonsense, about school, fee, Australia and what not. I really miss those silly buttocks. So we met up with Tanya after her work and we caught this this movie called, Sleuth.
I must say its a bloody freaking awesome show!
I thought it would be retarded because it's gonna be all morbid and gruesome. The story is about this novelist who meets his wife's lover and from there, he starts playing mind games with the bloke. Jude Law, the bloke is trying to convince the novelist to divorce his wife so he can be with his wife. So this movie is all about mind games.
Funniest thing was before the movie started, I whispered to Yum " eh how many sex scenes do you think there would be? " Because I was thinking, it's Jude Law man, how can they deprive the audience of his sex appeal? Yum turned at me and said " One." I looked at Rah, she said "One I think." I replied " Fuck, I thought there would be at least 5."
Sadly none of us were right. There were ZERO sex scenes but it's very suggestive between the two male leads. What's really awesome about this show is that, the whole movie was filmed in one location with 2 actors. That's all. 2 Words I must say, this show is absolutely brilliant. One of the best shows I've watched all my life. Oh, Jude Law is one of the producers for this movie. I love that handsome dude now.
Rated: 5/5 (Really!)
After which, it was cartel hour for the hungry humans :)
The Camera Shy humans
The retarded Best friends (haha, wtf am I doing)
Love you best friend
The Yum
Wharttt? (haha the Rah) The Bf's dish
From there, we proceed to Grapevine for drinks. However, upon arriving, we felt uncomfortable in our stomachs. :( So we had normal drinks instead :)
WTF is everyone lookin at!
Yeah My Oreo Frappe!
So fierce. haha
Our desserts :) Say Hi to Tomato Juice, Oreo Frappe and Tiramisu.
Friday M and I argued over the most retarded thing on Friday and I am too lazy to talk about it, and also too embarrassed because I was having pre-menstrual syndrome. Yes, My PMS is getting worse lately. : / Anyway, M accompanied me from my place over to town to meet the classsss for Harold and Kumar!
No its not a pacifier
Yup it's ring pop! (remember when you sucked on one? )
I love cola flavoured ones.
Off to Town!
OMG, Upon reaching there I heard voices behind me screaming my name! I turned and it was Chelsea and Candy! OMG It's been long and it felt like a mini class reunion! We occupied two rows and watched the show.
If you ask me, I think Harold and Kumar... Are fucking hilarious humans! haha. I totally loved it. It's something I would recommend you to watch if you just wanna laugh it all out, and relax :) But, do catch Harold and Kumar one before watching 2. :) It's highly recommended.
Rated: 4/5
Went over to Kopitiam with the Class and had our meal, I had lovely dim sum and have I ever told everyone that I love Har Gaos? OMG. haha. Anyway, we were suppose to go Drinking at dale's but as I was on my way there, I calculated and I figured since I've work the next day, I had better run home. Especially since I was running low on funds.
On my way home, i felt a little hungry and I wanted to get a snack at my neighbourhood vending machine. I put in 50 cents, hoping to get my Roller Coaster and this is what happened...
YUP, EXCELLENT. The roller coaster got stuck. what's even better, was I needed 20 cents to buy another packet, in order to get two packets. :(
I was displeased the whole night.
Saturday - Ninth :D I went to work in the morning and I met M after which. We went for lunch over at Ti Amo sine M couldn't withstand his hunger pangs.
Hungry and Angry M
Food :)
This is where the drama starts. Original plans made by me were foiled, M wanted to rest at his own place, alot of fucking screaming, crying and what not. In short, it wasn't pretty. We had passer bys staring at us when we reached his place. But this led to something really horrible, M was so frustrated he walked away from me and he punched the door. I didn't know until I called to make sure he went home. We choose to meet up to talk things out clearly and everything was alright. We decided to change the original plan and make new plans. Sheesha was the new plan!
The Zone :)
I'm sorry love
We're ready to make O's!
Hello there
Yes, can you see my O!
Hee, sheesha smoke doesnt get into our eyes
Eygptian food isn't our favourite.
Oh yeah, can you guys see it!
Haha Druggie? This is good
Watch him do the O's live on youtube
Haha, look who's in a lepak mood.
M and his magic cup.
Happy Ninth love. :)
After our sheesha time, We went over to Thomson to meet Jessica Tanya and Blessy. However, Upon reaching, blessy had already left before she wasn't feeling too well. Thus it was left the 4 of us to talk and chill over emo topics and funny medical terms. It was great just sitting down and having a drink, talkin about the most retarded things like if Melvyn and I were to get married and we were Thalassemia minors (reason being cause we are both always yawning and always tired and fatigue), we would give birth to a Thalassemia major baby and cause chaos. haha. Silly topics.
Jessica and Tanya went over to HK cafe for desserts, while M and I went home, because I had work the next day. :)
Sunday I went to work the next day, and for some reason I was really really tired, I could barely open my eyes. However, when I sat down on my desk, I immediately jumped to work. I had to finish up the whole Hong Kong Mobile show within 1 hour, which includes 5 fullframes for each show, and since there were 4 shows, which makes it 20 fullframes in 1 hour. So not funny. However, on a lighter note, Lin Wei is really fast so he finished his show by 2pm and I could leave!
Later at night, I had the usual family meeting and what not. After which it was crabs time with family to celebrate Dad's 51st Birthday! :)
Apparently Daddy referred to this article on the straits times about Awesome Crabs and we decided to go ahead with it since it's super near our place!
yup it's this block alright!
Haha! I love my mummy!
Yes, the birthday boy man!
Sister love
haha! Yes, she's in JC and I'm still in Sec school.
Here comes the foooood :)
OMG this is love!
If you ask me, the crabs are really fresh and awesome. Plus the chilli sauce that comes along with the crab is just orgasmic and it's really thick and rich. When you dip those fried buns into the gravy and slurp it all up, that's when you feel like you're in heaven.
Highly recommended :)
Alright all, it's getting late, so I'm gonna watch South park before I sleep :) Till then, Gooodbye.