Monday, May 5, 2008 |
Roarrrrr says the PMS Monster |
Three yos to everyone readin, and one big wazzzzup along with it! I can't believe I'm actually blogging at 7am in the morning. Insanity! Well, there's a reason why I'm actually doing so. Well, after my long conversation with M via phone, I felt a lil sleepy, and my back wasn't working to my advantage, so I decided to lie down on the floor to rest my back and hell knows, I actually fell asleep on the floor from 3.30 all the way till 7am in the morn! To be honest, this ain't the first time. The tendency of me falling asleep on the floor in the midst of using the computer, is relatively high. Ok, I'm just queer.
Well this week has been a real roller coaster ride. I swear the PMS monster in me, just emerged out of no where this week. M has been really tolerant to my bullshit this week. I've been screaming crying, laughing and venting my anger on M this past week. He has been real patient and I've been really annoyed with him the whole week, so I'm sorry M for being a big bitch. I promise, PMS would only be once a week. (haha as if)
You guys are just the sex yo. Thanks The Odds, you guys have been really great just being there for me :) I really heart you all for the listening ear. :) I love you Best Friend, I love you Blessy and Yes you too Jessica! haha.Emo together, Sit on the swings together, Sing Emo songs together, You guys are the people I run to, just to do all that, Oh yes, plus to do our 3 favourite things. :)
Oh now now, I've to specially mention this, but a big thank you to Michele Ng Hui Wen for helping me so much. Without you Princess hotness, I wouldn't have emailed the dude and asked for advice and you're the one I come to when I need someone to answer all my queries about Murdoch and what not. You willingly gave me the sites for accommodation and what not. Appreciate it love! :)
Enough of the thank you speech, here it goes, 76 images for the entire week.
Monday Last week, when we drove past Downtown East for Crabs, I remember looking over on my right and downtown East was brightly litted up! I knew it was a calling or some sort to check out the place the next day. I went to school to help Benson with the graduation project and what not, and of course, that meant meeting M in school to party up together. By the way, the weather is just freaking on my nerves, It was that drastic so much so I went home to change into shorts! Since I was in Pasir Ris, might as well take the opportunity! Hee. So Downtown East, here we come!
 Yes, they actually have a Ferris Wheel!  All at Downtown, Everything is Downtown... haha.  NUM and a bowling zone  Just a few Places to satisfy your hunger They also have Superdog and what not!  Yes, believe it a not, Cathay is in the house yo! Movies while wearing FBTS! whooo!  That is how new the place is! Right M?  Guys, do you remember this?  Pictures  Snack (I've been craving for this for the longest time)  And look who's happy now.  A walk in the park  If you wondering if I raped M, I didn't. He insist on unbuttoning due to the humid weather  Ok I'm running out of captions.  Can't believe I'm 21 this year  Can you roll your tongue?
Tuesday Yes, Tuesday was one day that I just screamed and be a big bitch to M. I can't really remember why I was upset with him. (I literally sat on my chair and stoned and press rewind function on my Brains and I can't remember!) But I remember being really depressed and teary and I met up with Blessy and Jessica after my afternoon show (Tong Xin Yuan!) I told them all about downtown east and they decided to go over to have a look as well! Tanya came over to join us and we decided to catch a movie at the new cinema!
 J and B  Dins at Superdog :)  T and J  Here's a poster we came across  And we insist that cute girl with that tight ass is Blessann! haha  Yup, it's movie time!  Yes, Bf is happy we're alone! (sorry for the bad resolution)  This is the reason I should change my phone.  Loves  We decided to go somersaut in front since no one was there. but, soon people started pouring in, so we ran up again! haha.  Yup, we watched this show. Honestly speaking, it was relatively alright! Paris was very natural on Camera maybe because she was just being herself , except on rare on occasions whereby she says something profound. I've to give credits to Christine Lakin for lookin so gross with her decayed toe nail and what not. In short, A typical chick flick you can watch if you feel like having a few laughs. :) rated: 3/5
Wed I went back to school to pass some songs over to Benson, and had lunch with Benson as well. Graduation ceremony is coming up, omg. Anyway, after which, I met up with the Alleycats (not full strength) in Town for Dinner and OMG we had so much fun just chatting up and talking till the shop was closing in on us! haha. It brings back memories of year 1 and year 2, where we have lunch and gossiped like crazy.
 Dins At Central (Noodles, Baked Rice, Calamari)  That's Chelsea! haha  Yes, that's Candy and I  Haha, Rosy Lim ah mui.  Ah Heng! haha After much gossip till 11 , we departed and I went over to meet Blessy and the rest! (Girls, it was great fun just chatting and talking nonsense again! We have to do this, Again and again! :D)  in the BMW  Haha She's Bf! Over at Mel's budget shop  Blessy and her new hair!  These two are just the cutest together. At the playground  Jessica develops a fit!? (haha just kidding)  Haha! The girls with their new haircut!  Jessica: Why this blessann so retarded one?  Jessica: I can also be retarded too!  and they ran over to disturb Tanya!  yes, can you see Jessica's haircut now!? We decided to leave M's playground zone because...  Yup, check out the mosquito bites and suprisingly I do not have any! So we decided to run over to AMK Macs Drive Thru  where it's warm and cosy.  I love this classic expression! haha.  Blessann: wtf are you doing jillian? Jessica: I shall blend in  Oh yes, yes! I love my Bf to bits.  Just when they were acting normal...  they had to pull of some funny faces and stunts. haha.  More funny faces! haha! When the two left to buy refreshments,  It was my turn with Blessy!  She's such a dearie!  and I am really jealous, she's so bloody photogenic I look like her retarded friend from hell. haha. M came soon after discussion with his mum and we were just talking about retardedness, here we go again! haha. Jessica started this.  Haha! OMG  YES! I had the award for the corniest looking photo!  HAHA, Mel had to do this with this oily hands!  Jillian: Emmm, I've to pick the soggy-est fry! I've to concentrate aha! I found it! yummmmmm.  This was so candid  Say hello to Ah Seng. Spotted, A car, with Blessann's Chinese Character. and it's on her previous car model.  Wei Ok kids, time to go home!  Yes, tanya is tired. haha. I love this picture.
Thursday Quality M time spent, and it was plain homey time I swear. I came back and watched lots of television, till it was dinner time and I arranged to meet M after his business discussion with Elson, and I drove Daddy's car and it was off to TM. Now, let me rant again. Parking in fucking TM is a real bitch especially on the weekends and holidays. It was a freaking wrong move to drive over to TM that day. My goodness.
Oh yes, and we are really retarded. Why? We walked a few meters away from daddy's car, and I kept thinking and wonder if I really locked my car. But we didn't bother to run back to double check. We kept talking about it, whether anyone would try to pry open the car door or what so ever, or whether the car would be stolen. It's only when we were queuing up at the Sakae Sushi Line up, M decided he should run over to go check it out. Mind you, the car park wasn't near! Haha, we were that retarded.
Dinner was awesome and we drove over to fetch lil sister back home, dropped M, Lil Sis and I suprised Daddy with a birthday cake, singing a birthday song at midnight to celebrate his actual 51st birthday. :D
Happy 51st Birthday daddy!
Well, the weather was really ridiculous on Friday. It was freaking hot and it was sucking everyone dry. Everyone was sweating away in the house and what not. Just look at the clear blue sky!
 OMG. Enough about the sorching sun. Well, I went back to ESPN to oversee my junior, an NYP Intern and yes, I met Sam (who is my PL Junior as well as my NYP Junior!) I had fun just sitting around for 6 hours not doing much but just generally overseeing his work. : ) haha. During work, I was messaging M as he was going down to the bike shop with his mum (after alot of persuasion) to get his bike! and he thought he would only get it in 2 to 3 days time, but hell knows! he could ride it instantly! So someone came vrooooming down when I ended work!
 Look at that happy idiot  ew, helmet hair.  His darling scrambler
I wanted to suprise BF with M's bike, but there was a misunderstanding and Bf thought I wanted to meet M instead of her earlier on. Because I told her that I'll meet her straight at chomp chomp instead of my work place, and she was wondering why. Jessica knew about the bike and accidentally told her, so it led to a big misunderstanding when I reached Chomp Chomp. I really felt lost at that point of time so much so Jessica and Clorine had to comfort me for a while at the toilet (Thanks girls!) Bf came running when she knew about the misunderstanding and I couldn't help but hug her real tight (everyone around us thought we were like some lesbian couple fighting or something) But i didn't care, because I was so afraid she would run away again. I couldn't bear the thought of my bf leaving me. :( Ok, I warned you I was an emotional wreck this week right? haha. But all was good and we went over to Macs to play and chill and snack. :)
 Bf is feeling it  Unglam biker chick  haha! Ok she's gonna kill me.  Jessica would look good with the bike, you reckon?  Reflection  Told you she looks good with the bike!  Ok, I look like I'm going to drop the bike (which I really did, hee)  Everyone says I look like a minah. (ok, better than an ah lian)  Acting cool.  Tanya: So what happens if I do this (vrooooooom!)  New topic of the day.
Saturday Saturday was just work for me, and spending some time with M having lunch and so forth. It was a really short day for me, and I went back home before 12mn because M was going out to meet his friends for some bike time :)
Honestly, I would prefer a car 100 times more than a bike. (But bike riders, please do not get offended, I'm speaking the truth here!)
There is so much inconvenience for a bike rider as compared to having a car. Think about this, when you ride a bike, you are being exposed to the road, and that's freaking dangerous if you ask me. That feeling of being able to drop or fall out of the bike is relatively high. Imagine if you're feeling sleepy, chances of you falling off your bike is higher than a car. Ok I know I'm exaggerating but you get what I mean? Not only that, you will get Helmet hair! How Unglam is that please? Especially for lady riders who pavilion at the back. OMG imagine the sweat and heat and...OMG. I hope you know where I'm driving at. One last thing, there's no storage space for bike riders. It's almost impossible to store anything in that box (if you have a box). Worse still, if you do not have a box! And not only that you've to carry your helmet everywhere you go. Now that's just really really really inconvenient.
The only convenience is the probably the fact that you get to travel around real fast and easily. It's accessible and it's really dirt cheap. It's really quite cheap for a bike! I'm talking about 1000++ can get you a reasonable second hand bike.
Why Can't cars be this way :(
Sunday Anyway, Sunday was work for me and church right after. Dinner with the family and there was chaos just as we were finishing our meal.
The talk about curfews( mine) and what not drove me up the wall. I could literally felt myself losing control of my mind, losing control of my speech and somehow the kid in me just ranted all the things I wanted to say since I was young. I've always respected my parents and I never dared to rebutt or say my point of view. Most of the time, I keep things to myself and hope things will turn out ok. As extrovert as I may seem, I'm very much an introvert. Ok, very ironic but.. I hope you get my drift.
I had a dirty bad habit of smashing the wall when I was in secondary school and I stopped doing that after my skin tore. But last night, I did it again. Nope, my skin didn't tear, but there's a bruise. And that just proves how pissed off I was last night.
I realised after the talk (scream, yell, whatever you name it) with my parents, I've come to terms with the fact that I should just keep my mouth shut and comply. Sometimes, there's no point even arguing or stating your point of view, when whatever you say is wrong. Just when I am always trying to please the whole wide world, I realise, I'm not even pleasing myself. All I'm trying to do is gradually improve and be a better person. Thinking that getting the grades that would make them happy, being a good kid, never rebel or what so ever, was not good enough for him. I know I've angered him to the brink of desperation where he just gave up and asked me what the hell I really want out of this conversation. All I can say daddy, is I just want you to understand where I'm coming from and just listen.
Let me just ask a general question, what time is everyone's curfew? If you are 21, and you are about to step into the working world, I ask again, what is your curfew? Or wait...do you even HAVE one? Do not talk about maturity of the situation and how matured you are, or how immature I am or what so ever, just ask in general. If you think I'm immature as a young adult, hold on and think for a while. Society has already labelled as a young adult already. Think about this. If you are a immature 18 year old fuck, the government still gives you the right to purchase ciggarettes and alcohol. So as a 21 year old, am I demanding alot to just be out of the house after 12mn? and Just on fridays and saturdays, I'm suppose to be home by 3.30am . I mean that is fine by me, but 12 mn is retarded to me because I leave the house at 7 plus 8pm. What's the point of going out for 2 hours? I don't get it.
I've become a product of this house, I've to clock in the time I enter this house. Whooopiedoo. Tell me, who else is facing this problem. We can rant about this together.
 At least Mushy and Mr Sunshine just sits there and absorb all my tears at night.
I went out to meet Blessy Jessica Tanya and Melvyn after the big fiasco at my place. I had to get out of the house for a breather. I'm sure it did my father good as well. He lent me the car to get out of the house, maybe for another reason,so I can save money and I can be home by 12mn. But I really needed that breather and thanks gang for being there to hear me rant. Updates were shared over Oreo Frappe at Grapevine and lots of discussion about parents there and then. I drove back home while the rest went over to a prata house for supper.
Ok, I think I've said enough. I shall get some sleep right now. Till then, goodbye :D |