Prescott Boredom |
 Sitting opposite each other doesnt prevent us from being IT dependent. This is why I love staying with Jen. haha. and no, Jen isnt in love, she is just sarcastic. bloody woman.
And reason why my shit is black? Due to excessive drinking.
Oh and btw, in my drawing Jen is the one with the bigger eyes. cause in reality, she really does. HAHAHA.
Meanwhile, Cheeeersss!
PS: Jen... you bitch. haha.Labels: jsquared |
Saturday, August 29, 2009 |
My 2009 Song |
There`s only so many songs that i can sing to pass the time. And i`m running out of things to do to get you off my mind. All i have is this picture in a frame That i hold close to see your face everyday.
With you is where i`d rather be, But we`re stuck where we are. It`s so hard, you`re so far.. This long distance is killing me. I wish that you are here with me, But we`re stuck where we are It`s so hard, you`re so far.. This long distance is killing me.
It`s so hard, it`s so hard, where we are, where we are, you`re so far. This long distance is killing me.
Now the minutes feel like hours And the hours feel like days.. While i`m away You know right now i can`t be home But i`m coming home soon Coming home soon
Can you hear me crying? Can you hear me crying? Can you hear me crying?
There`s only so many songs that i can sing to pass the time.
- BrandyLabels: distance |
Friday, August 28, 2009 |
Facebook saga |
 I checked my facebook inbox and this is what I saw
besides the fact that my mummy is so tech savvy these days, recently daddykins called me and this is what happened.
 My profile picture was this, for 2mins
Daddy: Hello Jie Me: Hello daddy! Daddy: Jie, I saw your facebook and I saw this picture of you, bareback. What is that? You know the internet is a very corrupted and Please darling - be very, very, very careful - the internet is infested with undesirable characters. Please take care of yourself, be sensible especially while you are out there in Perth -its not SG.. Do not create impressions or draw unnecessary attentions. Me: Orh. Daddy: and I saw in your info, you put Interested in Women? Whats that suppose to mean? and what is this random play and whatever you can get? Jie, please la. Me: Oh! that was a joke! Daddy: Not only that, below your bareback photo, there was this sentence that says "Poke Jillian". Jie, daddy loves you ok? Don't put up this kinda things to cause unnecessary trouble ok? Me: Ok daddy Daddy: I love you ok? God bless. goodnight. Me: love you too daddy!
In case you are not a facebook user, Poke Jillian is actually a function in facebook to just send a poke to your friends.
Now I don't know whether to be amused or ashamed of myself.
As of now, I am getting daddy back in my friends list. :) he sounded so sad that I aint his friend no more. :((
To make matters worse,
 I just read my email, and daddy sent me this.
Im such a horrible daughter for making him worry....right?
hahahahah. Sigh.Labels: facebook |
Friday, August 21, 2009 |
I played with fire |
English Translation of Jeff Chang's - Overfire. (Zhang Xin Ze - Guo Huo)
"Is it because I promised you too much, or is it the fact that I didn't give enough right from the start? You always had a thousand reasons,yet I accomodated and thought of your feelings. I let you run wild, and party away, Hopeful that one day you would be touched by my actions.
Until the day, when all dreams are broken and shattered, I saw you crying in remorse and regret I really wanted to give you another chance, and at the same time asked "Who do you really love these days?"
Since the love is unbeatable, Don't run away, be strong and face it Once you have given your heart to him, It's hard to get it back.
How could I have the heart to see you make that mistake, For sure, It's the fact that I gave you the chance to play with fire To make you even lonelier, to fall into love's trap. How could I see you suffer, Damn,I gave you the chance to play with fire If you wanna leave, I'll bear all the pain and hurt."
Upon hearing this song, it felt like M was talking to me. |
Thursday, August 20, 2009 |
The Distance |
The sky has lost its color The sun has turned to grey At least thats how it feels to me Whenever you're away I crawl up in the corner To watch the minutes pass Each one brings me closer to The time you're coming back
I cant take the distance I cant the miles I cant take the time until I next see you smile I cant take the distance And Im not ashamed That with every breath I take Im calling your name But I cant take the distance
I still believe my feelings But sometimes I feel too much I make believe you;re close to me But it ain't close enough Not nearly close enough
I will go the distance I will go the miles Thats how much you mean to me cause I cant take the distance
Its hard to remember As long as you're away When I find solace There's only one wayLabels: distnace, kings |
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 |
Twenty Second Birthday |
Metros was bad/good. I have my reasons for saying so. :))
4 words to describe the whole birthday: I WAS IN SPACE.
But sincerely thank all for celebrating my 22nd birthday :)) Despite not being in Singapore, it went awesome. Thanks all the love, I fucking love all of you :)
In case any one of you go clubbing with me, here are the symptoms by which, you would know when I have reached space. 1. I would be screaming like blessann would 2. I would ask if you are happy 3. I would ask you "From 1 to 10 how high are you?" 4. I would scream "Are you my bro? Are you my bro a not?" 5. I would repeat the word fuck more than 10 times in a sentence. eg. "I fucking love you all, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you too. Fucking love me, fucking got to fucking drink fucking more shit man. Fuck this and fuck that." 6. As denise would say, " Are you in space? cause everyone has got to be in space." 7. I would turn violent, and start stomping and screaming 8. I would lose control of myself 9. I wouldn't want anyone to hold me. 10. ... all of the above, means I'm beyond space and have reached my twilight zone.
Don't believe, go see the facebook videos. :)
Oh and two other things... Super thanks to Kexin and Jace for making my day.  This is what I call super love. I saw the birthday cards when Jen told me I had a suprise. Thanks sweethearts. :) and another, Thanks Gary for the suprise present as well.  It was super random and thoughtful of you. :) Appreciate it man. Thanks!
If you wanna know how I have been, Jen and I are this bored over in Perth...
 Being less than 1metre away, we still decided to skype each other.
I shall end of this entry with this . . . . . . . . . . "...Listen to the horror stories of your friends and realise your partner is quite a prize."
- NW Magazine, Horoscope section. August 17 Issue.
Goodnight world, and thanks for everything. The calls, the messages on facebook and SMS-es made my day.
Thank you.Labels: birthday, happiness, space |