I checked my facebook inbox and this is what I saw
besides the fact that my mummy is so tech savvy these days, recently daddykins called me and this is what happened.
 My profile picture was this, for 2mins
Daddy: Hello Jie Me: Hello daddy! Daddy: Jie, I saw your facebook and I saw this picture of you, bareback. What is that? You know the internet is a very corrupted and Please darling - be very, very, very careful - the internet is infested with undesirable characters. Please take care of yourself, be sensible especially while you are out there in Perth -its not SG.. Do not create impressions or draw unnecessary attentions. Me: Orh. Daddy: and I saw in your info, you put Interested in Women? Whats that suppose to mean? and what is this random play and whatever you can get? Jie, please la. Me: Oh! that was a joke! Daddy: Not only that, below your bareback photo, there was this sentence that says "Poke Jillian". Jie, daddy loves you ok? Don't put up this kinda things to cause unnecessary trouble ok? Me: Ok daddy Daddy: I love you ok? God bless. goodnight. Me: love you too daddy!
In case you are not a facebook user, Poke Jillian is actually a function in facebook to just send a poke to your friends.
Now I don't know whether to be amused or ashamed of myself.
As of now, I am getting daddy back in my friends list. :) he sounded so sad that I aint his friend no more. :((
To make matters worse,
 I just read my email, and daddy sent me this.
Im such a horrible daughter for making him worry....right?
hahahahah. Sigh.Labels: facebook |