Metros was bad/good. I have my reasons for saying so. :))
4 words to describe the whole birthday: I WAS IN SPACE.
But sincerely thank all for celebrating my 22nd birthday :)) Despite not being in Singapore, it went awesome. Thanks all the love, I fucking love all of you :)
In case any one of you go clubbing with me, here are the symptoms by which, you would know when I have reached space. 1. I would be screaming like blessann would 2. I would ask if you are happy 3. I would ask you "From 1 to 10 how high are you?" 4. I would scream "Are you my bro? Are you my bro a not?" 5. I would repeat the word fuck more than 10 times in a sentence. eg. "I fucking love you all, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you too. Fucking love me, fucking got to fucking drink fucking more shit man. Fuck this and fuck that." 6. As denise would say, " Are you in space? cause everyone has got to be in space." 7. I would turn violent, and start stomping and screaming 8. I would lose control of myself 9. I wouldn't want anyone to hold me. 10. ... all of the above, means I'm beyond space and have reached my twilight zone.
Don't believe, go see the facebook videos. :)
Oh and two other things... Super thanks to Kexin and Jace for making my day.  This is what I call super love. I saw the birthday cards when Jen told me I had a suprise. Thanks sweethearts. :) and another, Thanks Gary for the suprise present as well.  It was super random and thoughtful of you. :) Appreciate it man. Thanks!
If you wanna know how I have been, Jen and I are this bored over in Perth...
 Being less than 1metre away, we still decided to skype each other.
I shall end of this entry with this . . . . . . . . . . "...Listen to the horror stories of your friends and realise your partner is quite a prize."
- NW Magazine, Horoscope section. August 17 Issue.
Goodnight world, and thanks for everything. The calls, the messages on facebook and SMS-es made my day.
Thank you.Labels: birthday, happiness, space |