M took this when I was crying my eyes out 2 days before he left. :(
Hello all, I'm not crying anynore, I'm much better. I'm up watching little britain. I've been crazy about it! It's super funny, I used to watch it in Singapore, but I got about watching it again on youtube!Hee hee Anyway I thought I might as well give a brief update on what I have been up to and I know I owe you guys alot of pictures right now :)))
Swan Valley with Yin Ling, Joyce and Mindy Swan Valley again I know, but I brought these girls around :) I promise more pictures because we took alot of silly animals and had lots of fun :) The girls had fun, M had fun with the flowers and all, and we did 8 places in 3 hours :) We rock
Mindy Yin Ling and Joyce! The random people who wanted a snap! Claimed as a honeymoon shot hahaha. Laughed like crazy. Feeling aussie and being on the grass! Scarbourgh Beach One of the nicest beaches in Perth, Scarbourgh. Meng and gang wanted to go but they didn't go in the end and since M was leaving Perth soon I might as well bring him over while I still can :)
Para Sailing! Sigh.. I miss those days when he was here. See the star!? OMG! Goodbye M :(((( The saddest day in Perth came...and gone. I couldn't stop crying when I was driving him to the airport. It was horrible But something funny happened after we said our goodbyes, and our hugs and kisses. He went in, and I was about to walk down the elevator..I called Bless to cry and wail, and suddenly M called. And the next moment, he was running towards me! Apparently he didn't fill up the form for departure thingy. haha. After that, we had a second goodbye parting thing.. and ... he was gone.DEPRESSING.
he did this on the table...after I showered. The note he wrote to me... and made me cry even more. A shot before he went in. Whats with the Lianzy pose. haha. :)) . . . . and then he was gone. . . . . . When I got home, Skyped with the B and after 5 hours, he's just a digital image already. :( IKEA day Mich and I were absolutely bored in Perth. Very bored. And Mich tried to cheer me up, so We also actually had a cook fest and all that. When she passes me the pictures, it would be uploading time alright :) We went to IKEA and all today (13Oct) and it was relatively fun! HEe. :))
I love the silly hats in IKEA! It's super cute!
So enjoy these few pictures, and I promise, more to come alright. :)
Till then, My swollen eyes are going down, and I hope i get better soon. Till now, Thank you all,who have been supporting me these while. And those we sent random messages to make me smile.
Jillian appreciates it :))) and you're loved. Labels: depression, Emo, Jilvyn |