Mooncake festival madness! Hello all! Ok I've to rush through two presentations this week, so not funny because I've to do alot of readings and research on it. OMG. Panicking on what the lecturer might ask me on the spot. Well, randomly I've been bringing Melvyn around and what not, and oh oh oh! I saw a collie that looks exactly like gabby and I asked the owner if I could take a picture with it!
 Tell me it doesn't look like gabby. IT DOES RIGHT?! It's like twice the size of gabby you know. :)) I MISS GABBYYYY! :( Anyway, It was mooncake festival like, 2 days ago! OMG. Hello?! No one celebrates here or what? But ok, actually random chinese do. Just like me. I insisted on celebrating mooncake festival because I was gonna skype with my family back home, Boy, I miss them so much. After walking around north bridge after dinner, Melvyn and I saw random chinese folks with lanterns in boxes I figured I should get hold of one! So i rushed all the way to the nearest oriental shop and when i reached there, it was 8.01pm. And the shoplady was cleaning up already. I was devastated because I saw pretty lanterns in her shop! So I knocked hoping she can tell me the nearest oriental shop that was open. When the uncle came out to talk to me, this is what happened.
Jillian: Hello Uncle! do you know where I can get lanterns!? Uncle: Here! We have! Jillian: But...aren't you close? Uncle: Never mind, for you specially, I'll open it up for you again! Jillian: YEAHHHHH!!! (grabs spongebob lanterns and winnie the pooh ones)
So happily I ran home to skype with family and I saw Pomelos, Snow skin mooncakes (OMG I WANT THE PANDAN ONE!) and I miss their company so much. I decorated the whole backyard, filled it up with brightly litted lanterns and skyped :)
 Da Gu Jie, Zhu Zhu and Grandma yue! :D  She's so cute please! OMG. And say hello to Pomelo!  My snow skin mooncake is waiting for me!  Oh, hello there original.  GABBY! Did i mention I saw a dog that looks exactly like Gabby!?  Mei Mei playing with some..... mooncake festival food thing. She's doing a pringles impression.  Oh well, mummy follows  Boy I miss them so much :( haha I would be doing that too if im in Singapore. Oh boy, I really wish I'm back home playing with CHEAPER lanterns. :( I dragged Melvyn and Annie out for a walk, and obviously cars were staring at us, wonder what the hack we were doing! haha. The crazy silly chinese people are at it again.
Oh yes, And recently my Tubbyranger has finally snipped off her locks, and even got herself a dye job! to see a clearer picture of her hair, please refer to This Entry.
But I shall give you a sneak preview :)
 Tubby ranger talking to White Ranger (that's me!)  The things we do (she's doing a SAD TUBBY RANGER FACE) hahaha. notice the eyes. Babe, super miss you! :( I love the way you say CHEEEEEEERS with me. haha.I'll call you every once in a while to ROGER YOU about updates. :D you know what i'm talking about. My best friend would really be my best friend. She senses things from afar :))
To end off, here's a stupid video of Melvyn and I getting caught in a jam in Perth, just to indicate how much "fun" he is having in "exciting" perth :D I promise, More pictures, more updates soon. :)
Goodbye now. Cheeeeeeeeeeeers!Labels: Mooncake festival |