Hello one and all, I'm blogging right on my bed next to Melvyn Feng, who is feeling snug and cosy. haha. It's really great having the dude around and even though I was devasted to see the B go, cause I miss her so much already, thinking she'll be in some corner of the house asking me to play with her and all. But Oh well, one thing's for sure, M sure feels really bored when I go to school and all, but School is a bitch sometimes, and I'm sorry M you've to be bored at home to play with the 3 mushys. :D hahaha. Oh, wondering why there's another one? hahaha. Melvyn brought over his mushy (the one i bought him) haha. :D
SO enough of the mushy chit chat, and let's roll over the pictures. Whee.
Blessy and Jillian's mad harbour town shopping madness Blessy and I were singing dim sum songs the day before and we decided to head down to North Bridge for Dim Sum. Naturally we would disturb wei jie and drag him along for Dim sum. Mich was still sleeping so it was just the three of us. :D Here's the Shopping madness! It was 3 torturous hours for Weijie cause he had to carry things for us, and walk and shop. :D
 Blessys 200 expenditure. And A shirt I bought for Mel  Not sure if she's really happy or sad. haha
Mel's arrival Mehyu78i9o0p (STOP MELVYN FENG! YOU ARE MESSING WITHIU (O)_ MY ENTRY! STOP PLAYING WITH MY KEYBOARD!!!!) Ok. Melvyn finally arrived in Perth and without hesistation, I gave him a really big hug! (ok, even though I was late to pick him up) But I couldnt' stop hugging the dude. :D The next day we went down to Freo for lunch and what nots. :D hahaha. :D PICTURE TIME! hahaha
 Something  Blessy and Mel!  Angsty man Weijie  The girl  Benson calls this the reunion  HHAHAHA :D GO see facebook on what benson commented on this picture ( I LOVE YOU BENSON!)  Aloe vera shot I dared weijie to drink one word: EWWWWW  Pick ups in Perth are that hip.  Hello Cottlesole Beach  The chicks  Emo  Melvyn's favouryhujkilop Favourite (obviously he disagreed with my comment and pressed my keyboard)  Suave and not so suave  Wheeeee!  I thought he looked really good here  Blessy!  Emoooo  Jilvyn!  The boys  Black and White  Why so emo!  Nice shot  Dead fish  Off to Lil Creatures  Happiness is beer  Food! And at night, heart attack games and what not  And thus the retarded forfeits.
Swan Valley! It was time to bring these two lovely peeps over to Swan valley to feel the Perth-ness and country side shit. :) The tasting of wine and the improper organisation of the group felt really good. haha. Ok not really, but in general it was alright for me. Blessy bought a whole lot of shit and Mel just drove around and went with the flow. WTF.
 touristy  MJ  Annie and mich  Car  The mad boys  the b  cuddly farm  animals! weijie kept insisting they were edible. haha  HUGE CHICKENS!  annie!  weijie: wah this one damn hou jiak (this one damn nice to eat)  sweet  with angsty man now!  having fun  animal madness  my fav. george!  i love him! reminds me of gabby!  weijie and bless  mich  neigh  toffee and kahulua ice cream  happy?  at mash  cheeeeeeers (aussie slang)  bloom it's spring  lanchester  baby4rg5ty6hu78i90 (ahem, stop it!)  sweets  choco factory  love  sunshine  giving the "i spend 200dollars already!" face  yup, damn right  non alcoholic wine  hello dale  Strawberries (or as weijie would say : STORE BELLY)  oh yeahhhhhh Blessy left the next day after we had our dim sum and what not, sigh. I miss that chick already. Babe, till next time we meet, your coat is still with me. :D hahaha. I love you sweetheart! :D
Blessy left that night and I was really sad. I felt a sense of lost somehow, The girl and I talked through so much shit and we had so much fun playing together, getting high and drunk and happy and what not. Sigh. I wish she was in Perth sometimes.
Mich also just went back not long ago. She went back to Singapore to celebrate her 21st birthday. MY GOD. How much I miss home and everyone back there. : ( Woman, eat old chang kee curry puff for me ok! :D Miss you too
Some Jilvyn Time We went over for Fish and Chips after my school on tuesday and We went to try something different! :) The soup was great and we had fun :D We even went for a car wash. M, thanks for being there and clearing up my room, washing my car, changing my tyres, doing so much for me. We must make full use of the time together alright :D Love.
 kings park after blessy left  Fremantle on Tues  Love  Food!  What the fuck face  The soup was awesome  Sugar  Melvyn's friend  And Vic Park meant Bike Viewing for M :)) he was a happy kid We randomly went for a car wash.  Happiness  CLEAN CAR! WHEEE
We made friends with Singaporeans at the car wash because they were just high and mad and we could recognize Singaporeans because of our unique slang. I love Singaporeans! We rock ass.
Anyway, Piece of exciting news though...