Hi everyone. Well first of all, I must say
I've been partying these few days and I have been letting down my hair, partying, drinking, having lots of fun! hahaha. Cause its the second semester break man! One week of madness and a little bit of stress from designing (with of course, M dude's help)
But one thing that saddens me, is the fact that M is leaving soon, like within 7 days? Sigh.
I had so much fun with the dude, hanging out and just being homey, cooking at home, eating together, talking, slacking and what not. But soon, I won't be able to see him for like 3 weeks. I've gotten so accustomed to his presence around me. I know, 3 weeks, what the hack. But im so used to his vibes around me, it's gonna be a change for a while. :(
I think i suffer from separation anxiety. How?
Ok I shall go emo myself, but meanwhile, enjoy the lotsa pictures all. :D
Adventure world Land hahaha, I keep calling it adventure world and mich is forever correcting me when I mention "adventure world" she will go "LAND LA!" so yes, adventure land for the bored people in perth. It was suppose to be a group thing, but Mel and Annie didn't want to go, so its just the 369 off to Adventure LAND. :D!
 Here we are!  Excited beings.  Admission: $39  Mich  3,9,6 (HEY WE ARE NOT IN ORDER!)  I love this ride  The Pathethic roller coaster not worthy of my ass.  Midget  Whee.  I know, Ice cream?! when the weather is cold!? I had to.  Chairlift scenes!  Chairlift  Hello kids  The girl in Pink (Mich's eye candy) is super hot! OMG. she has a sexy star tattoo on her ankle and I waved to her when I was on the chairlift! whee.  Hahah  the water shots are gross and disgusting I look horrid, so this is the only presentable one.  YES! I WORE SOMETHING I HAVE NEVER WORN IN MY LIFE. and its not that great please. Had to swin right?!  Fun fun fun has to end  FACT: did you know its not called CANDY FLOSS? It's called FAIRY FLOSS!  Angsty dude and Happy girl  Yes, My bikini was wet ok! I dont drip water off my tits.  Candy floss love! I dont care, I'm Singaporean so I call it Candy floss!  As big as my face. :D The Perth Royal Show! I kept nagging at M that I really want to go to the Perth Royal show and finally we did! whee! I was utterly excited and amused! whee. Everyone kept saying that they spent over a hundred odd on the Perth Royal show and guess what, both M and I add up together, we only spent 88 bucks! hahaha. :) the admission was like 24 bucks each and We made full use of it and spent the entire day from 2-9 over there, walking there, standing in the rain at times, and roaming around. :D hahah. I love being Singaporean! Whee.
The Perth royal show was great, the shows, the dogs (GABBY!), the madness, the sights, the scenes, the peeps, the food, the fireworks, the horses, and the love is everywhere. I only wished I got to sit more rides though ( stares at M who is Hum Ji and doesnt dare to sit anything) but it was ok. 10 bucks for one ride was a bit pricey for me at first, but after I sat one ride, the adrenaline rush was lingering and was pressing me to sit more rides. But when I was up there on one of the rides, I saw M standing there with my handbag, staring at me. He looked so lonely! haha. I thought I shall spare him the agony of being alone and not sit no fuck. :)
Overall, I love the Perth Royal Show!
Goooood morning perth! Love and I was still awake at 5am and we decided we might as well go watch the Sunrise and M wouldn't be able to watch any more sunrises in Perth no more for this year, so might as well let's just do it! haha. :) We brought the mushrooms out for a spin and they got a chance to see the sun rise for the first time too! ( I know we sound stupid bringing stuff vegetables out for a spin, but we were that cranky and lack of sleep-ish so ignore us ok!? haha)
The view was awesome.Really :D
 Haha  Ok I dont know why I photoshopped that now.  Sexy right!?  haha  Excited peeps  Mushroom shots  yeah!  he loooks like he is holding boobs  he looks like them please  he's obsessed right  mushy!  haha  Look at mushy's hand!  squashed  M looks so much like them right! he has a green top!  hahahahha  beautiful!  shots  Ok bored  the light house at 6am  6am  good morning perth  ILU  I look damn photoshoppppped.  Goodbye sun  hee.
3rd Oct - Headgear Party @ SV 25 Meng invited me over for drinking session at Ai Wee and Brenda's flat. So Melvyn and I went over to Student Village for a drink or two and it was alot of fun meeting these peeps who are super in the zone and all :) hahaha.
 Meng Me and Mei Lin! I couldn't be bothered to wear contacts haha and the dress code is SHORTS, HEADGEAR AND FORMAL TOP  This girl is love  Mei Lin, Me, Brenda and Ai Wee ... with meng at the back. haha  With the rest of the homies!  Caleb and Mei! haha.  GIRL POWER.  MEN POWER. ... right.  Involving: Caleb, Ai Wee, Brenda, Meng, Alvin, Jack  The confused sober one  Love love. And alywin at the back is gone please.  Calvin Brenda and Jonathan!  Hahaha this is so gossip girl  Hello brenda  Cam whoring when you're high!  feeling the love  hahaha Ive got 8 shots in total.  gangsta  DOWN DOWN NOW!  Meng!  Alywin and Mei ..hehe  Hello Calvin!  I love this honey!  Goodbye loves!
4th Oct is WJ's Birthday day! It's number 9's birthday and we went to Lacker's Grill to celebrate his birthday! If you remember, on my 21st birthday, we came here to celebrate as well! hahaha. Well, dude, happy 23rd birthday and even though you suspected and guessed correctly bout the cake, we still rock. The guy was the one who gave it away! haha. :)
 Annie and Mich  M love  Hello Birthday dude  Annie is shooting away!  Jilvyn  Hee  Still concentrating huh, Annie?  In short, the food was awesome.  Picture!  Happy birthday!  I know, he looks 41 right.  Group  I see a smile in that angsty man after so long.  mud cake  The cake knife was...tempting.  369  The hot boss of the place now!  I HAVE CHOCOLATE IN MY TEETH!  Us with my new boyfriend. Yes! Danny is my new hot boyfriend. :D
Ok that's all folks. It's 3am in the morning and tml we still have to go to Swan Valley with Yin Ling and her mates! hahha. This week is utterly packed. hee
And melvyn is talking to himself while playing Solitaire. Haha I better go entertain him. Cheeeers all!
I Miss home so bad. :( I dreamt of Home last night. Just now, I wanted to tell M that I wanna go downtown East tml. I miss Home and I was staring at the stars, and I thought of my BF, wondering if she was looking at the stars as well :( I miss her so much. I wanna go home :( 30 days till I smell hot air, and be submerged in it.
ARGHHH I wanna go home. :((((Labels: birthday, drinking, Jilvyn, perth roayl show, pictures |