Hi one and all! This week has been a little stressful, with 2 presentations and a poster to be completed. Oh well, thankfully it's all over. Imagine talking about a subject you don't even understand fully! But oh well, She said it was alright! and my presentation was thorough! Phewwww. Psychoanalytical and Freud's film theory was a definite killer man.
Anyway, I've been listening to The Potbelleez - Don't Hold Back and I'm super addicted to it right now. It's a clubbing song in Australia, and I love it! haha. Speaking of sober...I shall leave my story till the end of my entry. :D
For now, random pictures during the weeks :D
I cooked Dinner! Hahaha, say hello to tempura crabsticks and straw-mushrooms! :D But the mushroom didn't have any taste, thanks to the fact that I didn't wash the mushrooms in salt! :( hahaha. But oh well, its a great attempt and weijie helped out and screamed at me once in a while because I was making a mess out of everything! haha oh yes, I cooked japanese curry as well! Happiness. M said it was nice! yeah! :D And annie was super encouraging. :))))))
 Dinners! Harbour Town with Love I brought M over to Harbourtown! My favourite place in whole of perth! haha. It was late night shopping that day so it was my first time late-night-shopping in the city! hahaha. :) so it was a great experience for the both of us I guess :) M bought a shirt, and I think he looks awesome wearing it! hahaha. I shall take a picture when he wears that shirt next time :D
 Us  Harbour Town!  I nearly bought that hat!  First time trying boots! hahaha YEEE-HA!  Perth City at Night! (ok I know it looks kinda dead.)  M and J  Some alley :D  Japanese food! (for affordable price please!)  Hahaha, he will call this "kangeroo under spot light look" Mooncake festival! Alright man! the hype and love for the moon! haha. and chang Er and the jade rabbit still runs in me! hahahah. I just love lanterns ok? Well, in the day we went over to Kings Park for a walk, since we have nothing better to do, and I suggested watching the sunset that day! :) It was really beautiful! Oh, did i mention that spring is here!? ITS HERE! It's not that cold already! (but kings park is really cold, no joke)
Ikea We went to Ikea to walk around and see and look for things :) hahaha. I love Ikea! :D and after which, we drove around and looked at Beaufort cause Weijie said it was nice and pretty. Ok, it wasnt' that nice please. hahaha plus, there was a prostitution house we wanted to check out! haha. Nothing like Gelyang please.
 I am funny  Vainnnnn!  Sugar  Jilvyn  feng a ding dong.  Diam cake! My fav  Sushi in Ikea?!  he doesnt look happy with it.  Beaufort. Tues = Half Price for Pizzas! We went over to get pizzas for peeps at home for dinner! It's half priced! Yeahhh! 2 large pizzas and a loaf of garlic bread for only 15 BUCKS MAN! Cheapness. I love tuesdays! hahahahaha
 M  Onion rings from Hungry Jacks (BK) and Pizzas from Dominos.  Delish?  I was cooking noodles for Weijie, and M just had to take this.  And since M already posted this fugly picture of me, I might as well post it as well. hahaha. I was just being retarded ok!!! haha.  Ok, this is some random dish from Carousel. :) Crepes! It's called Aussie Breakfst. :) Egg, Cheese and Bacon. I think tanya will love this. Michele's arrival + Birthday! Michele has finally returned from Singapore and we suprised her! hahaha We celebrated her 21st birthday! Candles, Cupcakes, Strawberries (made by me!) and Princess cake! haha. Nonsense.
 The cake (baskin Robbins Cotton candy flavour)  Sweetness right  She was excited and wanted to snap a photo  The babe  Group pictures! Now for my story. hahaha. After the celebration, we decided to drink Chivas, so yingzhi decided to call Alex along and we played indian poker, and we each have to pour in any amount of alcohol into the cup and whoever loses has to drink it all up. So i can safely say I drank around 15-20 shots of Chivas and I really puked my hearts out. I was so wasted, i puked all over the bed, over the sofa, over the toilet, over the dustbins, over my shirt, over my jacket, over my blanket. Melvyn didn't sleep the whole night and took care of me, carried me to the loo and turned on the cold showers and tried to wake me up, but it didn't work. The poor boy had to run all over to clean up my puke and vomit and wash the bed and what not.
So here I wanna say, thanks love! :) I owe you big time! :D Heart you aye!
No more alcohol for me, for a long long long long time.
I think. :DLabels: Jilvyn |