Friday, August 22, 2008 |
Still bored in Perth |
 Baskin Robins - Cotton Candy Ice cream (rated: marvellous beyond description) Yo Sup one and all! i know i have not been blogging constantly and everything, but rest assured, I'm still alive and kicking! :) I still miss Singapore and occasionally I still get homesick here and there, but I'm coping fine. :)
I have so much to complain about the Australians here. OMG. I have had like 2 really bad experiences with regards to driving in Perth.
1. When I was driving Kerrick over to the airport, he was running late and I was filtering into the lane, and the speed limit was 60km/h but I didnt know, and the rest of the cars in front and beside me were speeding. Who would have thought a stupid traffic police car would be in front, and out of all the cars, he stopped mine only and asked me to pullover. The car beside me saw the traffic police and sped ahead. I wanted to move to the other lane to avoid because i didnt think he was signaling to me. However, i wanted to filter out, the car beside me didnt allow me to, and the police man stood in my lane and i had to pull over. When i wind down the window, he just told me I was speeding and everything and I argued saying EVERY CAR HERE IS SPEEDING, THE CAR IN FRONT OF ME WAS SPEEDING, WHY DID YOU ONLY CHOOSE MY CAR !? He said, thats not the point, and that i nearly knock him down, i said i didnt know you were referring to me to pull over! I said Kerrick was in a rush thus I was speeding. I was freaking annoyed. OMG. I wanted to argue somemore, but Mich stopped me and told the traffic police that I was new and didnt know the rules here. The traffic police just gave me a warning and I drove off cursing and swearing. *#@*@#)*%@. Mich says its because I'm asian thats' why I would get this kinda shit. Which I agree, because the car in front of me, belonged to an ANG MOH, and beside me, it was an ang moh, and the car behind me that sped past me, was AN ANG MOH TOO!KNN.
2.Weijie Mich and I was out to get Jap food, and the parking lots were all full. Being Singaporean, I saw a couple entering the car, and thus, I on my hazard light on and waited. Apparently Ang Mohs do not know how to freaking understand hazard light language and they just waited behind me. After a SOME TIME, they got the hint, and they started to drive off, and they gave me a look after which. Never mind, Im getting a lot so its alright. When the car reversed out, he gave me a middle finger, because his TURNING RADIUS WAS JUST HUGE and i was SUPPOSEDLY blocking him. We pointed it back man. Shitasshole. Then when I was about to move into the lot, Guess what, some indian lady CONVENIENTLY moved into my lot. I WAS STARING AT HER DO IT AND I WAS FURIOUS MAN. I saw another lot in front, and I went to park there. I parked and shouted at her, saying is that her car, she said yes, I said, do you know you took my lot? she said oh! i thought you put the hazard light on because there was something wrong with your car!? Then I said, no I WAS WAITING FOR THE LOT. She said, so now I've got it,what do you want? she walked away. I screamed. Where's your road courtesy and not even a world of apology!? OMG. HORRIBLE.
I know I called Blessy, Tanya and Melvyn to complain about this. OMG. I hate ANG MOHS.
Ok enough of that nonsense, and to come in peace, here are pictures!
 This how dry the weather gets! omg. But dont worry, I've been putting moisturiser and its better!  I was fixing up the board!  And its done! I miss you guys so much!  Oh and recently I've received this package, from Blessann! For my birthday!  Thanks sweetheart! :)
Alright, I shall randomly rant about last week, when we had steamboat at our place, and also, Mich and I were bored on Sunday, we went over to Fremantle! :)
 The partay!  Food! Boy it feels like home.  Haha, why wei jie so pissed?! Fremantle day!  But this is in Nedlands!  Mich and I :D  I love this funny picture  Nedlands  The bloody bank signboard  Yes, this is fremantle market! (I WAS HERE WHEN I WAS GOOD OL 15 MAN)  Yes, I agree with Michele the best crepes ever!  In the making!  Ham, Cheese, Scrambled eggs, Mushrooms! Tanya you would love it!  Ok, mummy and daddy dont scold me for this. But I felt it was so amusing that their cup size is as big as our face!  Yes time for car wash!  Bored  Why wash? because JUST LOOK AT MY CAR!?!?! OMG  Vainpot  Coins coins.  WASHING IS LOVE!
So assignments have been piling up, and I realise I have lots of readings to do. I'm still trying to adapt to the slow life here and everything. :)
I can't wait for Bless to come over and have fun together! :) she will be coming on the 29th of August and it's super exciting. OH and M is coming over! Whee. I wish BF CAN COME OVER SOON! :(
Mich and I saw this place that we kinda like, and there might be a spare room for BF when she comes over to study! Wheee!
I can't wait to go back home.
[/edit] Oh yes, I've wanted to post these few pictures up,but I keep procrastinating. Well, here it is!
 Here's my BF in bright light!  CUTENESSSSS! :D We are telepathic and in sync. We're hot. :D love love!  My sugar love! :D  He tell me the funniest stories about Mushy and how cute he is when he wakes up, and gaze upon mushy in weird positions. This is mushy, when he's up and awake. :D  And this him, still sleeping! haha. PS: we are not obsessed with mushrooms. haha. We just love Mushy! :D and we never place them in these positions, they pose naturally! haha. Last but not least, MUMMY!  Mummy actually watched me cook my own dinner together, and she was screaming what to do and what not to do. AND ABOUT HER BEING A PILOT, SHE SAID THOSE WORDS FOR REAL. OMG,MUMMY is the cutest
Tell me, how to not miss home.Labels: Ang Mohs |