15th of August, 2007 with M @ Sentosa As much as I'm homesick, and I wanna spend my birthday at home, like I did last year..A big thank you to those who wished me happy birthday, even though I'm miles and kilometers away. Depressing as it is, to celebrate my birthday in a foreign country, it wasn't that bad because Skype made it all better! Here's my first greeting, from the lovely Blessy!
She actually had like, a Tea party so I wont feel so alone and all! She went all the way to Dawn's room to get a webcam, so she could show me her party! hahaha. I was having a horrible headache, and I was bed ridden and couldn't move, especially after the wonderful dinner whom Mich Annie Wei Jie and Fedora paid for (thanks guys! :D) I felt really horrible about headache I was having, but Blessy really made me laugh, and put me in a better mood. Thanks babe! :D
 Here's Blessy trying to be funny!   She wrote me a really nice song, and I shall put a little bit of that great song she composed or re-wrote for me :D "Oh my pretty pretty girl You’ve got me Like you’ll never ever spend birthdays alone Pretty pretty girl of mine" The rest is just pervertic to the ears,  But thanks babe! :D You are love :)  Oh yes! finally the woman has Skype man! And Denise actually wished me happy birthday like 3 times please?! Hahha, loves babe  Of course, not forgetting the girl I love!  Thanks darling, for making me laugh! hahh. You stil owe me a song! :D  I love you T, your letter made me tear. I miss you so much :( Well, thank you baby sis, for Singing a birthday song for me on the guitar, Thanks to M dude for the entry you wrote for me on your blog, Thanks to mummy who tried again and again to get skype up and going on her side (even though it failed but its ok..hahah) Thanks to those who messaged me and I know you guys love me as much as I love you and miss you guys too :)
So what have I been doing this whole week? Nothing much. Why? ...Welcome to Perth.
But here's a rough idea what went on during the week :)
Monday or Tuesday, I cant remember Mich and I were so bored on Monday, that we decided to clean up the place! hahahah while Annie makes dinner. Hee.
 Mushy with his hands up for a spring clean!  Mushys!  Our Pink-ness  this is how chatic our cleaning was  Act only  CHAOS! but now its all neater!
Weds with Muneera! Well Muneera had lessons till 530 so I drove over to Curtin after school to hang out with the girl and also she said she had free movie tickets! So what the hack, we just went! hahah :) I drove all the way to curtin and we reached garden city a little late, because I missed the turn! hahaha. But oh well, we were kinda lost in Garden City because shopping centers closes at fucking 5pm!? So the cinemas are located a little off the shopping centers? but thank God the security Guard came to help us. hahaha. we managed to catch the show just when the plot got interesting!
 Rated: 4/5 Personally I thought the show was pretty good! I mean it was thoroughly filled with action and all. I really enjoyed it and I think you guys should go and catch it! :D Munee and I totally loved it! hahaha.  After the movie, this is how dead perth is. 9pm only!?  The Muneera! We went over for Macs and what not, chit chatted and I sent her back to her place! :) that silly girl. Muneera! We should so do this more often ok!? :) Misses love.
Thursday - Pre Birthday I went to school with a really bad case of "BAD HAIR DAY" as in seriously. One side of my hair was really flat, and what not, and the other side was really pooofy! I mean come on! and plus, the weather here is so dry, my hair was static-fied?! OMG! I couldn't take it, and wore a beanie to school. My friends couldn't recognise me, also because I'm late and I didnt have time to wear my contacts and makeup. hahaha. But what the hack
For dinner, Mich dragged me out for dinner, because I was resting in bed, and didnt want to move. Apparently they wanted to treat me dinner because it was my birthday, but I didnt know until Mich says order whatever I want, anyway they are paying. I was damn stunned! hahaa. thanks guys! Here are the pictures though!
 Great food, uh huh!  Fedora, Wei Jie, Annie and Mich  My food :) Mussels! After dinner, it was time for their bubble tea!  Fedora and I :)  Room mate, Michele and I  Fedora again! haha  Fedora, Me, Mich, Annie :)  OH that's Wei Jie :)  Yes, cold as nuts, and they still wanna drink!  Me, Mystery window man, and Mich :D  She claims I never pose, thus this photo! hahha  Why so serious Wei Jie! I know you like your new girlfriend please.
Thanks guys, for dinner and all! You guys rock man! thank you!
15th of August - IKEA It was morning and I received some horrible news about my friend. I shant' talk about it here, but I really hope he'll be alright :( Anyway, I went over to IKEA with Mich, Annie and Wei Jie, and i must say its very similar to the one in Singapore! and the meatballs back in Singapore is so much nicer! :( And there's no curry puffs here : ( : ( :( boooo! Anyway, I had lots of fun! and I even bought things for myself! hahaha.
At night, I went for OCF (overseas christian fellowship) bible study and it was a good time of sharing and all :) and plus, they sang a birthday song for me! suprisingly they all knew it's my birthday! bust be Janesa! But thanks guys, they eve n got me something amazing. Later read ok! :)
 Welcome to IKEA, the sleeping zone  Missing the Durians in Singapore can  Bensgter in Perth  Uncle at work  Annie and Michele  I'm excited  OK now I'm scared. haha  PINK NESS  What the hack is Wei Jie doing?!  Hello Pink team!  Pink woman  Mirrors is our love  I was sleeping on it already  That's for dogs ok!? dont be deceived haha!  ON the phone with M and, and do I look hip!  Michele! And we were back home soon  Roomie. And this whole bored we are at home  This is what wei Jie placed on my laptop  feeling lazy yeah  Cooking and letting M see! our first picture after 26th Julye  I bought this for myself!  OH AND THE CUTEST BLANKET I EVER BOUGHT !:) Oh, the OCF peeps gave me this!  Thanks guys! I really love hello panda and yan yan like crazy! hahahha.
Well that's about it for my birthday. It wasn't as fantastic, but I appreciated everything and I feel the love.
I miss everyone back home :(Labels: birthday |