Monday, October 26, 2009 |
Jillian Rants |
 the gossip trio J i l l i a n .....
- Doesnt find the need to blog anymore
- feels so lost without her car
- yes, I sold my car for 3000bucks.
- wonders how to pack all her stuff
- is coming back in 17 days time!
- excited about home
- can't wait to be updated back home
- is anticipating graduation
- is still bored in perth
- is grateful for friends in Perth. :))
- made so many good friends in Perth :)))
- secretly would miss this place
- has to do alot of admin shit before leaving
- can't stop typing for some reason
- glad she did her photoshoot
- happy it went well :))
- wants to shop shop shop! shouts to Nicole "SUPREEEEE!!!"
- is half hearted about leaving
- hasn't spoken to melvyn for a week...until yesterday
- came to conclusion that long distances do work after all
- has uglier tan lines
- has mixed feelings about life now.
- has horrible complexion now :(((
- yet I dont see a point in blogging no more since no one reads this shit
- realises that everything is on facebook and blogging is retarded now.
- is listening to Jen's thai songs now
- loves paddington bear and the gossip trio
- hearts her "LAO PEH CHAN"/ b1 :))
- I shall stop ranting right now
- ok Im serious. NOW.
Labels: Perth, Randoms, rants |
Monday, October 19, 2009 |
I smiled upon reading... |
 From Daddykins Not so sure why I grinned to myself over this, but it just brought me closer to home. I know I am leaving Perth in 24 more days (omgIcannotbemoreexcited) but a part of me will miss whatever I have in Perth.
The friends I've made here, the freedom, the madness and the chaos. It was an emotional roller coaster ride and if I could turn back time...
who am i kidding, I wouldn't do this again. haha.
For now, it's time to rush through assignments and attempt to sell my car, settle my things here and swan valley here I come for gifts and shit.Labels: homesick, Randoms |
Friday, October 16, 2009 |
Ha Ha back to you |
Somethings... you just can't be bitter for too long. now tell me. who's the fool, hun?
fuck you bitch.
Labels: Randoms |
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 |
Happy 24th Birthday WJ! |
Finally this boy turned 24 and plans to make him die on his birthday didn't go really well. All I can conclude is.. he can really REALLY drink his guts out. Hello, 7 barcardi 151s and so many other random drinks didnt get him down.
But now, he has fallen sick, which is totally uncool and gay. What can I say, the effects of alcohol.
Whatever it is, I wish this boy happiness and all the best man! :) Mr Chan Weijie, you've been an awesome friend and an awesome banana partner - dionnggggggggg...gggg...gggg-. What would I do without you.
You're like my closest guy friend ever, and I am lucky to have a friend like you! :)))
World, I realize that I have not been typing much, as compared to last time. I feel bit weird though, typing all these crap. But one day, one fine day when I have really nothing to do, I shall go type a long essay on this blog.
Maybe because I have been busy watching shows...seriously, studying in Perth is that slack aye? haha.
maybe yes, maybe no. but for now, I'm falling sick and I literally coughed out blood twice within these two days. Now my nose is running to Africa to escape from me, and I need to catch it back right now. I don't want to be like hello kitty who doesnt have a mouth.
As Melvyn would like to say "Hello Kitty no mouth....HOW TO SAY HELLO!?" haha.
If I had no nose, I would be faceless. God didn't give me eyebrows and he gave me sparsely populated eyelashes and he gave me mini asian eyes already. if I didnt have a nose, what am I left with!?
Oh my goodness, I think my love for typing crap is coming back! hahaha. :))
Whatever it is, I have to go rest. and drink lots of water.
To end this post, I shall screammmmm...
Happy 24th Birthday Mr Chan Weijie! :) You are the ultimate :)
Labels: birthday, Perth, weijie |