the gossip trio J i l l i a n .....
- Doesnt find the need to blog anymore
- feels so lost without her car
- yes, I sold my car for 3000bucks.
- wonders how to pack all her stuff
- is coming back in 17 days time!
- excited about home
- can't wait to be updated back home
- is anticipating graduation
- is still bored in perth
- is grateful for friends in Perth. :))
- made so many good friends in Perth :)))
- secretly would miss this place
- has to do alot of admin shit before leaving
- can't stop typing for some reason
- glad she did her photoshoot
- happy it went well :))
- wants to shop shop shop! shouts to Nicole "SUPREEEEE!!!"
- is half hearted about leaving
- hasn't spoken to melvyn for a week...until yesterday
- came to conclusion that long distances do work after all
- has uglier tan lines
- has mixed feelings about life now.
- has horrible complexion now :(((
- yet I dont see a point in blogging no more since no one reads this shit
- realises that everything is on facebook and blogging is retarded now.
- is listening to Jen's thai songs now
- loves paddington bear and the gossip trio
- hearts her "LAO PEH CHAN"/ b1 :))
- I shall stop ranting right now
- ok Im serious. NOW.
Labels: Perth, Randoms, rants |