Wednesday, July 29, 2009 |
TWO Jilvyn |
26th July 2007  3 in the Morning Had supper with M, and shit just happened. On that very same day, we arranged to talk shit out and thats when the REAL shit began.
Thus, on the 26th of July 2009, after 2 fucking years, we decided to go and have an awesome dinner and enjoy each other's company. We didnt get each other gifts or shit, we just couldnt be bothered this time round. For real, we are that lazy and retarded.
We I decided it was gonna be a TWO themed kinda date. We I must have two of everything :) Everything went well and we even arranged to wear the same shirt of a different colour, in order to make that TWO ralph lauren shirts! hahaha. :)
We I am that retarded.
   Love the sky, Love the TWO hands, and love the TWO dollar heartshaped note        TWO straws, TWO cups of coke, TWO fingers, TWO photos of me, TWO crabs!  We stepped into the car at 22:21. Just nice, in 1 min's time it was 22:22! amazed.  TWO lightsticks writing TWO!   Jilvyn      Yup, sat at marina south, enjoying the light sticks and the breeze. TWO ralph lauren shirts feeling TWO happy :)  Happy TWO years Jilvyn. Labels: Jilvyn |
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 |
Lil Z, look whats up in the sky! |
Finally after so long I get to see this lil boy and he's as hilarious as ever. I wish I can keep part of his essence and bring it over to Perth to cheer me up when I'm done. That fellow is so hilarious, he even imitated my china accent! hahaha :) oh well, he is indeed love.
This kite flying experience was brought to you by: Shirley (sponsor of kites) Jessica (sponsor of food n drinks) Kexin (sponsor of Zachery) Jillian (sponsor of transport) Zachery (sponsor of cuteness)
update filled day, HTHT. :) I love the most.Labels: kites, lil z |
Miss G's Partayyyy! |
I know Im late for updating this, but I can't help it! I have been running around trying to spend more time with friends, homies and what not, especially since I'm leaving SG in 4 days time. :(
Last lap Jillian, Last Lap. you can so do it.
Ok enough emo talk, here's the Miss G partyyyy!
Miss G, I wanna wish you an awesome birthday and a great year ahead. I know now you are feeling sore and feverish, but I really hope you will get well and JOIN THE PARTY AGAIN! hahahah :) be happening and be hip! You've been awesome and you've been great. you have such a major impact in my life, no doubt I thank God for you. :)
Happy 22nd birthday Miss G-sunshine :DLabels: birthday, kexin, miss g |