Hello all, as you know, Perth is boring the nuts out of everyone, especially me. Thus random pictures I shall present to you on how I've tried to make my life more exciting.
First up, decorating my lovely car!
Sheeps, Cookie monster and Har gow to keep the asian blood running!
The leos and the cookie monsters
The toufu I bought with rahlers! cute as shit!
Now clubbing time with the Perth Mates! ( Yup, I said mates. whee!)
Annie and Jen!
Qin Me Jen and Mich
Alex Alex
Mr grumpy weijie
Where else could we go but the court. Now our lives revolve around bubble tea, chinese food, cooking at home and recently favourite past time, Mahjong (which jen is really good at).
Hi Everyone! It's been long since you've heard from me because at my new home, there isn't any internet access! However, Mich was being really nice and sweet to help me pay for my internet first so here i am! in my new room! blogging! about! my! new! house! hahaha
So here's a bunch of photos! of my new place!
here's the front of my house
there are roses in my garden!
Look at the pretty rose!
The outside garden! Can bbq!
The pretty rose in the house!
This is the behind of my room! There's a swing!
Hello everyone
Hang clothes now!
Living room!
Now my room!
See The mushys and Mr Sunshine
my cupboard!
and of course the back of my door! Alley Alley Alley cats! In the forest we sing now! hahahah.
That's about the tour I've for you! :) Ok this is gonna be a short entry as I'm pretty restless and there's so much going on in my mind. I've been occupied with packing, shifting, cleaning and going crazy in the new house.
How's perth you say? it's basically all about this.
The nature the trees the plants the ... boredom. OMG But this flower is really pretty :)
This time, I left Singapore with this mindset - "I'm not going to Perth, who says I'm going to Perth?! Pack? Pack for what!"
I know it sounds stupid, but my physical self is in Perth, but my heart and soul is in Singapore. I've packed, I've checked in, sat the bloody qantas plane, I've landed, I've drove around already. but some more or rather, my mind is still roaming around Pasir Ris, Orchard and hell knows where in Sunny Singapore. I know reality will hit me right in the face, as i continue to drive my silly daewoo around and realise that the number plates are no longer "SGK8888", the road signs no longer say "KPE (TPE)", realising that the the people around me aren't that yellow and of course, the not humid weather that would seep through my skin. There's so much in Singapore that I long for, the company, the friends, the night life and of course my family.
Vday (Verylepak Day)
One day after Vday, I left with a heavy heart, knowing that I'm going to miss the lifestyle, the madness and the comfort of my own home, with everything all equipped and ready to use. Here, I feel like some refuge trying to seek shelter or something like that. It's so hard to let go of sunny singapore, It's not even cool no more.
Till now, I cannot believe I'm sitting in prescott drive typing this. Damn, someone please slap me right in the face right now please.
Goodbye SG
I'm too emotionally attached to Singapore in more ways than one. It's indescribable. Till 3 months from now, Singapore, I really miss you.
PS: More pictures of whats been happening ...over here.
If anyone out there is wondering how the fuck am i, well go to Facebook to check it out because now I cant really be bothered to update my blog anymore! hahaha. Laziness has set in and what not.
What i can really say now is that I'm just utterly depressed that my 3 months in Singapore is coming to an end, and soon I've to fly over to Aussie to kill myself due to boredom, and smell the kangeroos and pretend my life is damn freaking happening there, when it is obviously just the dullest shit ever. Cannot believe I've to suffer with the bad internet connections, die without my homies (not that I dont have friends there but .. here is my homeland with more of my homies), die without SCV, die without disney channel, nickelodean, Happening places to hang out (TODAY CINELEISURE WAS STILL PACKED AT 2AM)...I hate that Ghost Town Aussie fuck shit place.
I'm obviously in a very angsty mood. But since I owed you guys so much updates. I'll just update a bit of whatever that has happened for the past weeks aye?
ONE: Meet ups with Xueying Zanna and Alvin :)
TWO: Chinatown with the T
THREE: Double O here we go!
FOURTH: Chinese new year madness! Time to get fat!
FIFTH: Team E Pico Party!
SIXTH: Yummy and T's Birthday Celebration! Happy birthday darlings!
One turns 22 (OMG OLD TANYA) and One turns 21 (OLD SHIT TOO YUMMY CHOW!) No matter what, love you two!
T, I hope you like you Agnes B camera we bought you, even though its not what we expected. hahahaha And Yummy! hope you like the necklace and Muse Dvd and Cd we bought you! In short WE LOVE YOU TWO!
And now to end off with the newest family member of the Yue Clan...
Oh yes, to end off...I hurt my eye recently. I have no idea how! If you observe, I've a cut on my eye on the last picture during T's birthday! I've a fucking funny eye now, I have to go back to Perth, I'm getting broke...