Hi Everyone! It's been long since you've heard from me because at my new home, there isn't any internet access! However, Mich was being really nice and sweet to help me pay for my internet first so here i am! in my new room! blogging! about! my! new! house! hahaha
So here's a bunch of photos! of my new place!
 here's the front of my house  there are roses in my garden!  Look at the pretty rose!    The outside garden! Can bbq!  The pretty rose in the house!  This is the behind of my room! There's a swing!  Hello everyone  Hang clothes now!  Living room!  Kitchen!  Now my room!  See The mushys and Mr Sunshine  my cupboard!  and of course the back of my door! Alley Alley Alley cats! In the forest we sing now! hahahah. That's about the tour I've for you! :) Ok this is gonna be a short entry as I'm pretty restless and there's so much going on in my mind. I've been occupied with packing, shifting, cleaning and going crazy in the new house.
How's perth you say? it's basically all about this.
 The nature the trees the plants the ... boredom. OMG But this flower is really pretty :) I'm surviving. That's all i can say. Sigh.Labels: Perth |