M's bike is totally destroyed (please refer to His blog to see more) and being his girlfriend, I can't do anything but sit here and virtually try to comfort him? I feel really quite helpless because I was really worried about him, and his wounds, and how he's going to cope with his exams and all? I didn't want him to concentrate on the loss of his bike and start to live with it and all? Because after all, it's going to be different and now that he has seen his bike, he has to come with terms with it. He's just very frustrated and all, and he says he can't concentrate on anything else but his bike, and I dont know how he really feels, I dont understand what he's going through. Fuck, this is just driving me crazy as I sit here and wonder what Can i really do to make him feel better. He said he wanted to go down and chill, and calm down and all. I actually typed "Why not I drive down and find you or something..." and then before I pressed enter, I pressed backspace because I realize I'm in fucking Perth and I can't drive anywhere near him right now : ( Sigh.
Ok, on a happier note, On Saturday, I went to Perth city with Janesa and Audrey, Fellow PL Lites I'm so happy to see! Annie went along with me because we both have not taken the train and for me, I have not seen the City! : D
 Murdoch Train Station!  Audrey and Me being Tourist-y  Hello Janesa!  Did you know, you have to press the button for the door to open!? OMG!  Being all Tourist-y!  Bus Stop!  Hello Annie!  Hey, that looks like my top!  The City! (ok, to me it looks like peoples park)  Some Street performance!  Snowy Ice in Singapore We were late, and I was suppose to meet Winnie so we can watch the NDP together, and I met her friends and all and it was off to the lecture auditorium to see the National day parade! I was so scared I was going to cry man :( I miss Singapore so much!
We went over to school to watch...  NATIONAL DAY PARADE! OMG!  Met Min Yi and Winnie!  Oh that's Julie  Waiting for the parade to start  Random parts of the Parade to make me tear.  I miss Singapore  Wave our flags now! After NDP, We placed our stuff over at Min's and headed over to get alcohol and dranks at Khatib (MRT!)'s place for drinks and all.
 Time to Party!  Min Yi and Desmond  The Girls!  Stoned girl  Drink and Drink, White and Red wine  Yup, its kicking effect  I was freezing  Oh yes, Coats are cool :)  that's snoop dog and Min Yi's feet? hahaha  On the way to metro..  With an angsty driver? haha  At Metro City  Snoop Doggggg  Wins's friends.  Party uppp!  Squashed frogs in the making!  OMG It was really gd!  It's really sweet, I love.  I still can't remember what was that smelly  And yes, I couldn't stop laughing.  Yes, with Khatib, the snopppp dogg  Another shot ( I have no idea what name it is )  the 3  Tamas and Winnie  And...Random shots at the party :D Metro City was really Asian Club man, super alot of Asians and all but I had a great time, thanks Girls for bringing me around and taking care of me and all :) You guys are the sex man. I promise next time, I'll drink more alright! :) Sunday I just sat at home, and stone and if you wanna know what I did on Sunday, go read wasted Sunday in melvyn's blog Hahaha. :) And Michele is finally back in Perth!
Once again, a big thank you to the babe for sharing the room with me :D Hee.
Oh yes, for those who ask me hows school and all, just a big shout out, I have school on 3 days only!
Tues: 1330 - 1630 (SCREEN TEXT LECTURE) Weds: 1030 - 1330 (WORLD CINEMA LECTURE AND TUT) Thurs: 0930 - 1230 (DESIGN LAB/LECTURE/TUT) 1130 - 1300 (SCREEN TEXT TUT)
I'm only glad that my timetable is short, and that's about it. Other than that, I really miss Singapore... I know I am always saying this, but... I really do. And I'm damn homesick :(
PS: Bestie, I miss you so much! please call me when you can even though your phone fucking smells : ( I always message you and you cant receive :( I miss you man!
Yum and Rah! Please go and collect the gifts I brought back for you! hahaha Tanya will meet my sister to pass you guys the gifts so you guys can have fun with it!! I miss you all so much!
M, I miss you so much and I'm sorry I cant be there for you. Please take care my love... I love you. Sigh.Labels: Emo, homesick, Melvyn, NDP |