One of the first few jap-dinner outing before most of us became jap-food-ster!

I didn't know what got us to hid ourselves under a paper bag while walking over to Down Town East where her class chalet is at

A very "class-photo" shot after coming back from our ever first virgin-trip together!

We got a FREE Crusty Pot Pie from Soup Spoon! A mistake made them, but who cares! Its free anyway!

Our first time walking to school together!

Our 3rd month anniversary; we had crabs for dinner together with Bless & Jess over at Toa Payoh

After much of complaining from her regarding my mirror'less-room and persuasion to get one, yeah, i've decided to get one over at IKEA

East Coast Park, that's one of our favorite hang out place!

Inside the lift of Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre

As she was overwhelmed by the fact that Xmas is nearing, she couldn't resist not taking a walk down to Orchard Road to see all the decorations and lights!

Now she's a student in Murdoch University while i'm still... Fuck.

First time she's wearing sleevless!

I made her really really mad on that day and decided to call this very "special" day the Smelly Melvyn Day

Ann Siang Street

Just when i forgot my keys to my crib, we were stuck outside like homeless chaps!

My 22nd Birthday @ Vivo City
In one month's time, i'll be seeing my baby girl and accompanying her for approximately 2 weeks because up to this day, i cannot take the fact that she's so far away from me and also that i miss her so much and i can't just meet her as and when i like to just give her a hug and what not.