Hello all, yup, 6 more days and definitely that means more pictures for more memories. Please don't kill me if your computer hangs due to the truckload of pictures that you are about to view. Why did I create another blog you wonder. Well, my dad requested that I blog when I'm over in Australia and thus, I'm having a dilemma of whether to change my url because jillianyue.blogspot.com is so not creative and maybe my dad would accidentally type that or something. So... I dont know, anyone can give me suggestions as to what I should do? But, I love jillianyue.blogspot.com because its so brainless! hahahaha Ok I shut the ass up. Anyway, if you're curious enough to find out what's on my other blog, here's the link. Jillian Goes to Perth! Hahahah. Yup, another brainless URL from me.
Anyway, I am not that scared to go over to Perth right now, even though I had some last minute situation with my accommodation (thanks Bf, for being there and M, I'm sorry I shouted at you.) But Thank God for allowing me to find another accommodation real fast! (Credits to Michele! Thanks! :D ) I'll be bunking in with Michele and her house mates for the time being and from there, my mum and I will try to find something. : /
6 days till the huge big crying day. I hope I don't flood T1.
Ok, ready? Here comes the truckload of images!
A little M time on Monday I went over to print some pictures at AMK Hub and rushed over to meet daddy to sign some credit card form :) Daddy had to prepare my credit card before I leave for Perth. After that, daddy fetched me over to AMK to meet M, for dinner :D And we just chilled and talked and...worried about the future. (or rather I was.)
Haha, wtf
The things he does to torture.
It's a Boy Girl thing with Bestie Well, I met up with BF at night for a movie! Yup, we watched It's a boy girl thing! :D And I literally rushed my ass down. I am quite tardy when it comes to time. :/
Well, I must say its a typical chick flick kinda show, but Bf and I were just ogling over the dude man! he's super gorgeous and drop hot sexy. And the girl, Hot stuff too. Super sweet eye candy kinda show. :D I love the show, and even though the ending was predictable, but it still keep me sitting at the edge of my seat. :D rated: 4/5
someone had a sun burn yo!
Looking prim and neat my love
I love this babe to death :D
Dinner time love Swensens for Dins
The lovely dishes :D
Hard Rock Cafe Suprise for Kexin's 21st on Wed I was suppose to meet mummy for clubbing along with this indo-chinese dude, but Mummy backed out last minute saying she was feeling lazy to doll up and the rest of my aunts were feeling lazy to just party up. My mum was actually quite interested! haha. My mum is a hard core clubber by the way. hahahaha. Anyway, so I could make it for Kx's suprise bash at Hard Rock! But while I was dressing up..this is what I saw..
The cutest thing.
apparently he doesnt give a shit about whether I would get pimples at night
Gabby! I'll miss you mao choot chooooot!
Tanya was late, so I waited for her, until Immelia dragged me up! hahahaha. Just in time!we managed to see her cut the cake! Happy 21st birthday love!
Hahaha, the Immelia and Darryl
PL Lites and their other halves
Happy happy birthday!
The famous bloggers! Please refer to Kexin's blog for more info!
Tanya finally arrived!
Oh yes, I bought her matching pillow cases.
Debs and Moses!
We insisted it was our birthday somehow
Hee, candid!
Cheow Joo, Char, and Venessa
Shims and Tanya
Yup, its hard rock rolling good time
It's not even her present and she was damn high about the bag! (victoria secret some more - Quote and Unquote from Imm and Kx)
I was being a pest.
Happy birthday love.
Happy birthday love!
Random M time at Upper Pierce and Macs with Bf on Thurs. Yes, randomly I asked M out for dinner at AMK Hub and while I was waiting for him I saw this amazing pie store. At first I didn't get it when I saw Pie-Kia. I was like WTF is that? Then I realised, PIE-KIA ! (PAI KIA = Gangster, Naughty Kid In Hokkien!) OMG! Brilliant! I went over to check out the rest of the pies and they have really cool names such like PIE SEH (embarrassed in Hokkien), TOA PIE KIA (Big PAI KIA!) and stuff like that! OMG I found it fascinating and I bought a pie! They have quite a variety over there and I recommend everyone to check it out sometime!
Off to meet Bf at Kovan Macs for chits and chats. :D
My Best Friend Day on a friday Yup, BF and I had our day, just walking, talking, shopping and being ladies. Hahahaha, we had alot of fun just hanging out and doing the funniest things. Bf was really there, when I received the news during dinner, about my accommodation and all, so thanks sweetie.
Hurry Bf Hurry! She was late!
Thanks love for being there during the chaos :D
She is love
I love my Bf :D
Feeling pretty after shopping, it was my First Manicure! It's time to feel pretty!
This tanya had a hard time choosing her nail colour, and I choose mine instantly.
Waiting for nails to dry, can be a bitch.
Happy and done :D
Bored and wanted to rescue her Lemon Ribena, it was off to Pico Workaholic behind me
Bus trip that was really funny Waiting for M :D
Classic Bf Sepia is love, so is she.
Black and White is also the sex, and so is she.
I love this shot, Bf you look nice without spects you know!
Haha, my nose looks huge!
Cute as hell!
Ok, getting abit emo over there.
Glasses chaos right now
Happy bugger
Messy is the new pink/blue/orange/green.
I'll miss you so much Best Friend : (
Giving the Sec 1 face. (Center parting)
I love you so much.
Oh yes, I gave M his 1 year anniversary present! Ok, tearing it up right now
1 year present, and a farewell gift from me.
The longest letter ever.
Oh, and plus a card with something special inside (no, not condom ok?)
I hope you like it sweetie.
My 21st Party, one month before it arrives. Ok, my folks insisted I have a bash before I leave, to say goodbye to my relatives and all because mine is a morning flight and not many can come send me off, so they organized a party to celebrate my 21st birthday that is on the 15th of August, A month earlier, and to say goodbye...and bid my farewells. :) I received so much love that day, Lots of ang pows and lots of chit chatting and of course, thanks Nai Goo for praying for me as well. I really appreciate it.
The party was relatively chaotic and BBQ-y but I had fun. These people are the reason why I wanna stay in Singapore, and yet I have to say goodbye :(
Mummy and her bee hoon! (I heard its super good!)
The boys preparing! Daddy, Isaac and Melvyn
Oh rah rah and unglam chicken.
She's excited indeed.
The party has started and my photographer did a great job! (Tanya, you're one great photographer!)
Jasper, my cousin :D
My Godpa, My Grandma Yue, My Biggest Aunt and My Zhu Zhu :D (Zhu Zhu = I couldn't pronounce Gu Gu when I was young, thus Zhu Zhu)
The choo brothers. Jasper and Justin
The parttty people.
haha sister is happy
Love you baby sister!
My korean Auntie, and My cousins! Kok Wai and Kok Weng!
The happy Ong/Choo side!
Daddy! (yes I know I look like him. :D)
The Yues!
My Auntie Angie!
Punktards and Isaac!
M dude!
My photographer, and my Ang Pow mummy :D (she kept my ang pows for me the whole night! and helping me snap photos) OMG, Bf, I need you! :/
Jasper is my hot stuff!
Yup, happy red hour
haha, isaac is on hilarious mode please.
Grandma Ong!
Feeling Chicky? ahahha get it? Cheeky!? hahahah!
My Godpa and Godma whom I love dearly! (they really dote on me so much!)
Oh yes, Benson Yap came! :D Happiest!
haha, yum isn't pleased with her chocolate Hello! I bought it ok!? hahaha.
M, stop snatching.
The momentary fun. :D BF!!!
Elliot, Nai Goo and Kimberly!
Hello Auntie Clara!
Yes, Cake time
The Puny cake I bought (sorry! I underestimated the amount of pple coming!)
Yes, 19th July is my new birthday! Ok I'm just kidding. It's still August 15.
Family love
The Yues
The Ongs/Choos :D (My Godpa is Choo!)
Godma and Godpa!
Friends and loves.
Uncle..I mean Kor Kor Desmond and Auntie Angie! (with Spotty's kid if you are wondering!)
Here a Video of the hype and happenings!
My birthday song :D
Yeah, thanks for the Red Red love!
Jasper, Justin and Adrian!
Yup, I love mini cakes.
Oh Jessica and Janice came! thanks guys!
I'm down to 6 days. I can't believe it. Fuck I have to start embedding memories into my mind, so that when I fall asleep, I still can generate a quick slide show, featuring all my loved ones. :(