Hello one and all, it is I again. Well, what's with the title, Tears right? Well, this whole week has been dedicated to going to the airport and back, filled with tears and various emotions emerging from hell knows where. When I see my friends go off, it's hard for me to leave them, yet at the same time, I'm thinking how would I react if I were them. I am counting down to the days I'm left with in Singapore and trying my best to make full use of it. It's emotional to leave my friends and family behind, and also leaving this place behind. Singapore has so much, for me to hold on to.
I guess now its all about cherishing whatever I have right now, and try to keep a mental image of everything so that when I'm there, I can refer back and smile to myself, about the happy moments, or moments I was being stupid. hee.
Ok, enough. Visuals!
Monday's Director's Lunch Well, Benson told me a week ago, that we were invited for lunch with the deputy director of NYP (SBM) for lunch, to thank us for doing the graduation video. But honestly, I really didn't do much! hahaha. Oh well, free meal as Benson said, so I turned up for it! We figured it would be damn awkward and all, but suprisingly it turned out pretty well! Later Blessann came over to join us, and we chit chatted for a while. Later in the night, some super huge drama with the rain, M's bike and what not, blah blah blah, fast forward and we all met up eventually and it was time for Karaoke for the girls! Blessy Jess and Tanya :D
Benson and I
Deputy Director and Mr Chong
Benson's meal!
Met up with Blessy
Over a glass, lots of chit chatting.
Later at night, dramatic rain caused drama, and it was Karaoke with Jessica Blessy and Bf,to make the night all better :D
The loves!
Sing sing sing!
2nd July's TEP Awards and Jacyn's departure
TEP Awards was given out on the 2nd of July and I went to school to clap for our lovely 3 classmates! :D Super proud moment.com! After which, met up with Goose Yeo as well, since I went back to school and all. Goose Yeo, if you're reading this, I miss you and your phone still hates me. : (
Sending Jacyn off, set the mood of depression and tears throughout the week. I'll miss so many of them when I'm gone! : (
Benson Abner and Ming Yi received their prizes!
Goose Yeo Ting Ru, Rachel.
Lunch with M at IKEA
He was burping.
Later at night, it was time to send Jacyn off : ( Take care sweet heart, you know I'll miss you. Even though you're having so much fun there. : (
Thursday's DXO with the keys
I went over to IDP for the pre departure seminar, to understand more about Perth and all and I realise, I'm really going pretty late! 27th is the orientation date, but I'm only going on the 26th. Am I cool or what?! haha. Anyway, I joined the The Singapore Link. What's that you say? Read this
The Singapore Link (TSL) is a support group — providing friendship and mutual support — making university life at Murdoch easier. We are not a Singaporeans only club as we aim to spread awareness of Singapore’s multicultural identity and culture to all nationalities. credits: The Singapore Link
Pretty cool eh? Membership was only 10 bucks!
Anyway, after the seminar, I met up with Blessy Jessica and Janice to hug Blessy for the last few times before she starts to pack her bags for tml's flight. It's just utterly depressing :(
Waited for the Keys to come over and it was time to party upppp!
The loves
The Keys
Ok, let the madness begin
The destinated Driver!
Who's that moron behind!
I always do stupid things in front of the hot girls.
Im in a pouty mood
Yes, you can see us groooving to the beats.
Pool time!
Cam whoring
Board fun!
The keys and how potentially unglam we can be!
Cor and Xueying
Off to Gelyang for supper! Weird way to drink up right?
Zanna and I
The glorious food!
The girl is always prepared to be shot
weird ass chicken wing
4th of July, Blessy's departure Blessy was going to leave, on friday. Having her call me in the morning and waking me up to send her photographs, was so typical. Yet I knew that would be the last time I would receive such a call from her. I know I'll miss this darling girl so much. : ( I am missin her already :( Knowing I'll never receive random calls, random visits, no more would the BMW come over to my place, omg..comeee...back blessy!
Here's how we sent her off :(
The board we did for Blessann, from us 4
Oddballs (hahah)
The scrap book the drinking gang and I did up for blessy
Now Darren Dale and Nick would do a song item for her!
The drinking gang
The random gangs!
J twins and the B
OMG, people claim they look like twins! haha.
I LOVE YOU BLESSANN LUAH. You'll always be my B no matter what call me as often as you can ok?
The M
The gang before she departed.
Blessy Luah, please take care of yourself. Don't get robbed or raped or molested of some sort. you know Jillian loves you. the rest of the mushy stuff, is in the letter which you most probably have read it. : / I miss you babe! come back soon ok!? I'll be going over, we must get incoming free ok!? :D
The photoshoot for Jo's Present day Janice and Jessica as well as Melvyn stayed over because we were talking throughout the night, bout everything, and hoping we will all still stay sane even though B is gone : (
I had only like an hour to sleep before the Alleycats came and it was time to go out to the park (Sungei Api Api) to shoot our Poster shots! It was really hard because I had to set on timer and run all the way to my own position! haha. But the photos turned out great! Loooook!
First shot
Haha, this is when, I didnt make it in time for the timer
Best shot
Rosy is freaking bad ass please!
Heeheehee I love this shot
This is just emo rock shiat.
I love this!
hahaha, emil chou look please chels!
Sexy hot candy in her slippers! ahahha
Hahaha, yes all together now. WTF
End product! in A1 size for Jo!
These are limited edition postcards just for Jo! We really do look like a band right. haha
6th July, Joelyn's departure :(
I collected my spects over at Downtown east and I went home to change and it was off to the airport to send Joelyn off. haha, that silly girl wanted to go see her plane, so we went over to the viewing gallery to see her plane!
I figured her plane would look like this. Oh wait, so would mine.
Haha, the happy girl
After giving her the present!
Bye Jo :(
All 5 of us teared and cried there and then :( Once an alleycat, always an alleycat.
Ming Yi was hungry, so it was time for dinner Eagles (swensens) at T3