Gd'day one and all! haha. I've decided to be faithful and climb up to the third floor to update my blog! haha. Well the past week in Singapore has been awesome. The whole gettin drunk in double O, catching up with my mates (did I just type mates?!) and being mellow and chilled in different areas in Singapore. Taking the public transport (mostly cab but its still public right?!) and the bus and trains are damn amazing here.
I love the feeling of being back in my own country (but can I minus the freaking humidity!? SHEESH)
Double O baby! before clubbing, a good curry O would do you good.  hello clarke  Miss G and I  all together now! Kx and Ally!  Eng Eng Eng!  AHAHAH I LOVE THIS PHOTO OF THE TRIO! denise and DALE!  ms0502 madnessssss!  I was high, really high!  Jessica is love! hahahha. Random Day with M Hello M!  Fav Sakae was totally not describable Dinner with M  CAN YOU SEE WHATS AMAZING ABOUT THIS PLATE OF FRIED VEG? haha It's that strand of hair being fried! haha. i think its pubic hair! hahah. Thats a summary, for more pictures its on facebook man. :)
 Till then homies, goodnight! haha. |