I know i havent been constant in blogging and somehow i feel like I really cant be bothered to blog every now and then. It's like something is tying me down and I am feeling really down, low and retarded.
Why can't everything just go the way it's suppose to for me, everything seems to be crashing down on me. I'm so sick and tired of putting up a strong front and say I'm alright.
It's so sickening knowing that something is wrong, and there's nothing i can do about it. It's so sickening to know that you've done your part and the other party just can't be bothered or didn't have the initative to do what they are suppose to do. I'm turning into someone so bitter and someone with a frown on my heart. Life seems to be crashing right down on me.
I'm emotionally down to the pits, mentally drained and physically dying and dont get me started on other things that matters.
However, as promised, I would post up the pictures of M's birthday, so here it is folks! :)
M's birthday (5 & 6 Dec) For M's birthday this year, his wish was to just have a simple meal and a place to just nuah and laze around and relax. So I figured I might as well give him a suprise, and gave him a treat at Swisshotel's Plaza Market Cafe, and wore a stupid dress for the occasion to make the dude a lil happier about his 23rd! Met up with his ITE mates and headed down to double O for drinks and such
The next day, we planned a suprise attack on M, and the bike bishan dudes plus blessy and darren attacked M and attempt to gang rape him and all. It was definitely hilarious to watch! After which, alot of hanging out , chilling, DXO and what not.
Happy birthday M, I hope it was a memorable 23rd Birthday :D
 Outfits  Happy birthday boy  place  buffet love  FOOOOD :)  I am still as unglam as ever  zone  :D  christmas is coming!  Esplanade  23 and 21  make a wish!  Jilvyn wish  us  wonder what he wished for?  our wishes. (his will never come true)  ITE HOMIES  double o and O bar! 6 Dec  before the place got messy  GANG RAPE!  daniel kissing M  ivor licking!  WEDGIE IN THE MAKING  classic coke up the ass!  birthday!  verine, ivor, Alvin, Shawny, Daniel and M  Blessy and Darren  us  pei tian tian  Oh of course, I went down to Soph's 21st to wish her a happy birthday as well! :D Sentosa with the negativity Blessy suggested sentosa and we went over, to just chill and relax, however, the clouds were dark and grey and despite how much we tried to stay positive, the boys kept insisting they smell rain, and what not, what cat 1 and what nonsense, we girls/hens kept it positive, until rain fell upon us. hahaha.
 driving  still positive  pictures!  The girls/hens :) (the boys say we aint chicks no more)  boys  hee hee  benson!  Blessy  the randoms  Jason Mraz in action  the chips zone  I heart benson  time for ball! and M doesnt look pleased  look who's happy now!  sex ed time, doggy style. Later lepaked at B's for a while, before separating. So seletar for M and I  And guess what, a Tortoise was trying to cross the road as we drove! We saved it!  yup, that's it!
Random throughout the week Shopping with the Rah, We're so not good for each other please. Dinners with Yum after picking her up from work place.  and this is what i got! :D Random dins on Wed with BF  A weird night it was, meeting random PL lites that night :D hearts Throughout the week, met up with Mich and Wei Jie as well, to hang and lepak and chill with WJ's homies. It was a relatively good time as I really learnt to relax and just gossip with those few :) haha. Also yesterday was drinking time with the girls (blessy denise ally and maria) at DXO as it was ladies night. Sorry darlings I had to leave so soon. I eventually puked once upon reaching my place. Kudos to M for making sure I was alright and driving me back :D
Alright, that marks the end of my entry. I need some retail therapy to remove the emotional baggage or mental tumor that's left in my brain.
 Those were the days when things werent that complicated. Aye? Maybe a haircut would help.Labels: birthday, demoralised, depression, down, Melvyn, Weekly Updates |