She doesnt deserve to leave this earth this way. :( There has been so much speculation about Ms Lo Hwei Yen, the 28 year old Singaporean that was taken hostage by terrorists at Mumbai's Oberoi Trident hotel late last Wednesday. Her body was found on the 17th floor two days later.
Her husband Michael Puhaindran, 37, also a lawyer, brought her body back to Singapore on Sunday morning. credits: SgForums
Reading all the obituaries that were posted online for her, and everything, just made me realise, how fragile life is. She was there for a talk, and she was giving some sort of seminar speech thing. She had such a promising future ahead of her, a lawyer and all that. It's really so tragic to see her leave this earth like that. Morever, she just got married recently, and her husband, has to deal with this the hardest way anyone can ever imagine.
Terrorists disgust me like hell. Why! Why! Why take an innocent life away, just to prove your point!? God gave us mouths for goodness sake. Talk things out man, violence wont get you anywhere damn it!?!?! My goodness. I was looking through photographs of the whole attack (the shots were excellent, please view) and it just pisses me off as to why these terrorists would wanna do something so demonic and cruel to people they do not even know.
What has the world come to!? We kill each other because of my skin colour now!? oh noooo, now its cause of nationality. A dude from America can be killed just because he's from america. Gracious me.
If you want to know more information on how she passed away and stuff like that, here's a video of what the ministry of foreign affairs has to say with regards to this serious and sad matter.
I cant believe the husband is that strong enough to go all the way down to india, to see the site where his wife was murdered, and held hostage at, and identify her body. May God grant him the strength to pull through this tough time in his life.
My greatest and most sincere sympathy goes out to her husband, her family and her loved ones. Ms Lo, may you rest in peace and God bless you.
Sigh. This is so tragic :((( I want to cry. :(Labels: condolences, fragile, life, lo hwei yen, tragedy |