Hello there kids! its gonna be a massive heavy image entry so beware yo! do not say i didnt warn you.
Anyway, what has been up with Miss J over here!? Well recently I suffered from a mild case of food poisoning because i retardedly ate a plate of cheese omelette that was left in the microwave for the whole damn day, and totally disregarding the fact that cheese does ferment and go bad when placed in warm temperatures, i just gobbled it up like a hungry monster. Thus, tuesday i was dying and rolling around at home, wishing I never see another cheese omelette ever again. Sister and I wanted to go over to Gelare on tues, but i suffered from this fucked up shit. But thanks to Lil Jyue for taking care of this old Jyue, getting drinks and getting my soup prepared for my consumption when i was lazing around on the sofa the whole damn day. :) uber touched!
After I got well, I had gelare with my lil Sis on Wednesday. :)) With a weird churning sound in my stomach, I still carried on my urge for waffles! wheeee :D After that I grabbed godma's car and fetch the punktards and we went to get my things from Mr Chan Wei Jie and went over to the airport to hang, for dins and what not.
PS: T3 Swensens has the slowest service of all time. and we mean it.
Anyway, today was relatively alright. I tagged along with My sister and her homies and omg being 17 is so fun. hee hee. Melvyn had his IPPT (which he failed, he is getting old) and I owe Alleycats one outing :D
So for now, the image load!
Rosy's Bday! Well our darling Rosy turns 21! so dinner was arranged! :) Met up with the girls and went to marina square and party up man! It was totally awesome! :)) Happy birthday girlfriend! May all your wishes come true! wheeeeeee! :D
 The art we saw along the way!  B and I before meeting the girls  Silly woman, I love Blessann Luah!  THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!  Candy heng heng!  Blessy, Alixues and Clara!  Me and the Rose!  Rosy Chelsea and Candy!  Ming Yi!  The glorious food!  Happy birthday sweetheart! It's my life! Musical! THE ITS MY LIFE MUSICAL IS ON! HAHAHAHA :) All the way till 5 Dec! Anyway, it was amazing! Tanya and Melly got invited as well and it was great! :) Two thumbs up, a little too late to promote it though. but hey, job well done homies! :D
 This is the poster! hee hee  The cast!  Job well done kids!  Surrounds!  Melissa and Tanya!  Bf and I (with the filming camera!)
ZOUK! It's been long since I've been to zouk and even though the music wasnt jumping jumping~but hey the company is awesome! :D I love clubbing with these homies! HEE! Great drinks and what not! And also Blessann slapped me in the face. Damn hard, that was the prime of my life! hahahaha :))
 Naddy with Denise and Fai!  The girls!  DRINKS!  Naddy and Denise!  The hot mama girl!  The green team!  I heart this chick yo  Ah, the girl that was missing all these while, SYA!  Whats upppppppp  Jessica and Blessy  I was redding already. Can you see!  HAHAHAHHAHA!  OMG RED AS A PIG  I love the colour of this drink  PL LITES! Charissa, Feesia, Valerie!  The Sweethearts  Heartfelt  Whats clubbing without a shot!  DALEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  HEE HEE HEE!  SHE BROTHERHOODD!  Hello JANICE!  Omg, the deadly long island tea!  HAHHA Ice in the mouth and madness  HELLO DALE DALE DALE!  Random as hell  The guy I dance shuffle-battle with!  HEE HEE HEE!  Taken by some professional dude! Vivo with M Well, M and I had the most horrible date ever. We were quarreling the whole way through , supporting my mum's first activity in church, the IT fair, the way home to AMK because M forgot his wallet, and towards Vivo. It was damn annoying. we argued at least 3 times about the most retarded things. It was awful. But I guess, after our "stand in the middle of vivo arguing session" we sorted things out. So here are the happy photos, after talking things out. :D
 The food at ko lo mee stall  Eating  :))  THE TREEEEEE THE BIG PRETTY TREEEEEE!  I look photoshopped, but I didnt do anything at all!  Im happy  US  I love the tree  happy  that's mentos ok!  deco  say "awwwwwww."  SHADES! I LOVE THIS PAIR OF NEW SHADES! Bought with B on Rosy's birthday from JWest  whatssssssup  M with my shades. haha T.I  Lenny inspired  Jilvyn  shit hole  look at that couple! so sweet right  skies  snooze  Off to prawning with Melvyn and pals at yishun! So there's shawny with prawns!  Yup! LOTS OF IT!  SEEEEEEEE!  COOK IT MAN!  while waiting fulsball!  Verine and pal!
Shopping and Sheesha With the girls Right right, its been long since I've shopped so I guess its time! Met up with Blessy and Jessica first to shop at bugis and I met thme at Jess's house. Left and took a bus to bugis and shop for dresses just to be funny. hahaha. omg i had the most retarded time! hahaha :)) AFter which, tanya came along, food, sheesha and lots of laughs :D I heart these chicks :D
 With Jessica's camera!  3 cameras, 3 angle shots!  HAHAHA :)))  Jessica and the middle belt syndrome!  I like this shot of B  The shoessssssss!  trying trying!  yes i know, how spasticated!  B's 100 odd dress!  I tried so much shit, until I change without realising i wore my shirt upside down!  FATS!!! CAN YOU SEEEEEEEE! HAHAHA I LOOK LIKE A CREAM PUFF  Tanya's arrival!  nigga love  We look like touristy couply shit!  HAHAHHAHA  lovin the lighting  Underwear time baby!  hearts  dancing around!  Reverend Goh  The treeeeeeeeee  tourist please  HOME GIRLS THAT I LOVE EVER SO MUCH  MY BEST FRIEND  Double J  For desserts  Cheeeeeeeeeeeesecake!  Blessy and I being retarded, and this is our wet vagina creation  BLESSY WITH SPOON IN HER NOSE!  foooooooood  Now for sheeeeeeeeesha!  T and B  B&W  I love these shots. :D  in and out!  OMG UNGLAM!  The best shot ever  where's the smoke!?!!  OMG I LOVE THIS CHICK  :D  Geeky  Blessy and Timo!  Sepia  Funny faces  I like this!  hee hee I love this girl
The weekend is gonna be packed because its Melvyn Feng's birthday! tml is the start of the celebration, that would be dinner :) So i'll update you guys on how it went alright! :)
till then, one love. Peace outtttttttttt. |