Yo whats up everyone. Its 645am and I'm in front of the freaking laptop (yes I collected my laptop already!) and listening to home by Michael buble and alcohol still running in my blood.
Im starting to wonder what the fuck is wrong with me man, close to 5 hours ago I was dancing my toes off at Zouk and I was slightly high when I reached home, but after snoozing for 2 hours, insomnia again!? How can it be? What happened to alcohol causes you to K.O and wake up the next day not knowing what the fuck happened?! OMG.
When I was trying to sleep, believe it a not, the song "The Anthem - Pitbull and Lil Jon" kept ringing in my head, despite the fact that Zouk was playing trance yesterday. I was actually trying to sleep dance so I would mentally drain myself so I could sleep!! The things I do. pfft.
Things that has happened since the last update
- Rosy's birthday celebration!
- 16th Mth with M was a sick one (M fell sick, so no meeting up)
- Cook off with Rah and Tanya (haha I burnt myself!haha)
- After the cook off, my best friend got robbed like 2 nights ago. (It was so not funny man. I swear i would kill those mother fuckers if i see those fucktards. Goodness me, like its not cool to robbed an innocent chick walking home man! They actually assaulted her and kicked her and all!? FUCK MAN. It happened so fast, because I walked BF to the bus stop and saw her board the bus, 15 mins later, she called me and told me she got robbed and when I heard her sobbing, i knew she meant it. Rushed down with father yue and tried to be there for her. Thank God she's alright and she has most of her things like her iphone and ipod and cash. Those fucktards only managed to rob half a bag and an LV wallet filled with cards only. HAHA LOSERS.)
- It's my life musical! :))
- Zouk partaying with homies.
Well I'll be doing a serious update soon i promise. :)
for now a shoutout to Joelyn Tan! :)) HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART! :) WE SEND THE LOVE ALL THE WAY FROM SG! :)
I shall leave you guys with my favourite picture from Zouk Night. :)
 hahaha, I like this shot :) Denise looks hot. For now, i shall try hopping up and down. I might be able to sleep then. One love.Labels: insomnia, Updates-to-be |