Monday, August 4, 2008 |
The power of Skype :D |
 Hello guys, digging nose from Australia Yes yes, I've been digging my nose like crazy since I reached australia! hahaha, Why did I pick up this horrible habit? Well, its because I am having the flu and the weather here is so freaking cold and dry, my mucus naturally hardens, and thus the massive amount of boogers! hee hee hee.
 I love skype! :D
Well, the power of skype is strong and powerful. Why i say that? Well, I feel so much closer to home when I skype with my family and friends.
 I finally saw the beautiful and drunk Blessann PS: my mummy loves listening to Blessann. haha. Look at her. Also, thanks to skype, I am constantly updated, like Blessy and I still can gossip and stuff like that. She went over to her friend's webcam and was prancing around being high and all, somehow I felt like I was back In Singapore, watching that silly girl prance around and being self high. :D
 Mei Mei! When I was in Singapore, my sister was always at the back using the computer, both of us just doing our own thing. But now, we skype and use the computer at the same time. We need not say a word, but we still can feel each other's presence man. :) I love that feeling!
 Miss Wu! Yes, the darling Wu is in brisbane and she's having fun there, if you refer to her blog and all! OMG she's loving it yet, she also misses home. How I wish I can be somewhere near there to play and talk to his babe too! But skype drew us closer! haha.
 The smelly! Yes, I seldom webcam with M-dude. Why? he's so busy running around to meet his bike people and all. : / But oh well, this is one of the random unglam shots I took! hee hee. Well, i'm still happily counting down man! :D 31 31 31 days! but skype definitely helped us both. :D
Bf and I have been skyping too! and I just put the phone with her. I updated her about the goodies I got and all the wonderful things I've seen! She's really busy with work and all, and I emailed this random picture to her, telling her to work and hard so she can come and visit me in Australia! hahaha.
I really cant wait for time to fly by and..I thank God for Skype, because it draw me closer to home and helped me kill time, especially since all the shops closes at 5 (KNNBCCB)
Well, here's mummy learning how to use MSN! And I just taught her how to blog! For those who are interested, please read my Perth Blog (Mummy first entry)! She's the cutest. AHHHH!
Haha, my mummy has been labelled as one of the most hip mothers of all time! hahah :) OMG I'll miss my mummy when she leaves. We always laugh at stupid things, and we even dig our noses together when we webcam with Mei! Hahaha....haha....ha..sigh.
One love all, I miss you guys. :D
PS: Happy birthday Benson (2nd) and Maria! (4th) I'm glad I managed to call you guys and wish you all! :D I miss you both so much!Labels: skype |