This week, as mentioned in the previous post, I was at home most of the week doing nothing. But I realised that I've been consuming alcohol for the past week and man, the feeling is... great (provided I do not get a hang over)
I'm pretty emotional about Blessy leaving, oh and of course ketchup Jacyn and Joelyn. I've always been emotionally attached to all, but especially B. I'll miss her random phone calls and what not and her weirdest antics. My goodness, I'm going to start tearing. (slaps self.)
All three of them are leaving this coming week, and the feeling sucks. I really wish Blessy wouldn't go. I know Jacyn doesnt want to leave either. Aussstraaaliaaa, why put us through this shiattt. Oh well, enough of that.
Here are the sparse images I promised.
Benson Blessy Tanya and I were suppose to watch Get Smart, but Blessy overslept and that left Benson Tanya and I to watch it at a later time, because why? We were all late (except benson) to buy tickets. So we bought later tickets and went over to Juz Acia for dinner.
 Juz Acia = Cheap Food = Benson's Favourite  Bf's Chicken  Oh, the Bf :D Dinner was super cheap and we were super full and happy. Off to Cathay!  Get Smart! Rated: 3.5/5 Pretty Funny! I totally enjoyed it! :D The three of us couldn't stop laughing! haha. I love story line though! Its super hilarious! :D
M and I decided to make full use of the sushi kit we bought a few months back (please refer to this entry to see when we used the kit) . This time, we went professional and used the Japanese rice that my maid provided for us! haha, I guess it doesn't taste that bad! : )  Sweeeeet Egg  M squeezin the rice  Ah, shapes.  Done by Chef M  Who's the lady behind the eggs?!  End products  I gave some to Bestie and Blessy  And they didn't die of food poisoning ( I think ) Later in the night, M went home after delivering the sushi to Bf's place. Blessy insisted I came along on the trip to ECP with Jessica and Janice. We went over and had a drink and danced along ECP like no one's business (actually just blessy and I) - I'll seriously miss that boob-
Our 11th Month, started off really bad. But I guess everything worked out ok. We had 2 hours to spend on our 11th month, the only month-sary that I can celebrate with M in Singapore till I come back. So M brought me to Marina. :D It was really beautiful because the clouds were orange, and the lights on the floor were blue like...the sea. (hahahah)
 New found happy place  Pier  WTF is M doing please.  Oh, that picture beside him is the present I gave him. (notice the word 11th)  B&W  Hee hee  Arising monk (key) ran over to DXO to meet the ladies  Say hi to Jessica  Nigga Love  Denise and Blessy Love  JB Notion  The girls in the most empty club ever.  The grouppppp  She Brother Hoooood.  Coughing gals  Ok, I was quite happy and high. But I'm always red when I consume alcohol  The grey area  Censored please.  Jessica and the sober That was the last DXO Night for blessy :( Friday
I ran down to Suntec to collect my thumbdrive, and M met up with me after work and we ran down to meet Bf for dinners and all. MOS burger and Bf was carrying a bag of happy pillows and she really looked that Tai Tai/ Ah Ma when she lugged those pillows around. Oh boy, she's the cutest.
 Lift  Bf  I heart her  Look at her and her ah ma pillows! M left us, he didn't want to watch the movie!  So, off to Cine to wait for melly  While waiting, Crepes and cream for us An old school dessert we used to enjoy in Sec school. We caught this movie with Melly!  James McAvoy is the cutest!  She gave all the girls hope. :D Saturday
Sunday was family time again and we went to get spects and contacts done. We spent like a thousand on eye wear for the whole family! Sunglasses everything, omg. We're like short sighted gang or some sort. :D
 Mother selecting her glasses. After that, family meeting and soon a short catching up session with B since she was around the area. I'm so gonna miss that chick. : ( I already miss her man. Sister and I hopped over to IKEA after I got home and we bought shiat :D
I'm already missing so many people at this point of time, I can't imagine what it would be like when I've to go. : ( Labels: Weekly Updates |