It's been a freaking long time since i posted a super long entry with lots of pictures. and i realise I've been neglecting my blog! haha. but i doubt parents and all have the time to actually read my freaking perth blog now. But since boredom has struck me once again, I shall go do something about that blog now. :)
Anyway, what I'm going to present would be a series of photos regarding Freo (its a sunday thing now), filming which actually happened just today and random retarded pictures taken in Perth when I'm super bored.
First up, Random photos!
  Random Cat we saw a few days back! Super cute right! goodness.  Digital studio filming! Hahaha, putting Baoshun into Infernal Affairs 3! Secondly, A trip to freo! and if you are wondering whats with us looking retardedly lianzy, that is because the night before we were gossiping about lians and stuff like that. Inside joke for sure. So do not be shocked with the stupid pictures :) ROCKINGHAM IS BEAUTIFUL BY THE WAY. OMG.
 M  Hello all!  QQ and Mich  hahaha mock mock :)  badges   Ah lians unite now  Ray was forced to do this!  M is reluctant!   We obviously show how its done! hahaha we rock mich!   Look at the goodies i bought! 25 bucks for Havis! And a top for 18bucks! I'm damn happy! Drove Ray home and he introduced the Rockingham beach to us   beautiful  WE HATE REPTILES! OMG! SNAKES?! OMG!  M's nice shot  Ray the professional DSLR man whose dslr I am planning to steal.  He and his DSLR at work  I love this!  Water Water we love right Jen!  Yup I know, everywhere it reminds me I'm in perth.  beautiful sunset. (which also indicated we were lost) Now I present to you, filming shots photographed by Kelvin and his DSLR (everyone has to stop making me jealous. I've to really steal a DSLR soon. Goodness) Anyway, we were filming our short film/video so these are the random shots Kev took! Awesome man. Tml round 2. It's fucking 230am, and tml I've to start shooting at 830. WHAT AM I DOING UP NOW?! GOODNESS. Better get done with this entry.
 In school getting ready  Talking production shots  Khailil, Mr Director and I :)  We weren't even posing! this is nice.  Look at me on the roll  Hee hee, I love old folks!  obviously pleased  I could have died.  Hahahaha, getting down and dirty with the bus stop!  Mr Director, boxing inspired man! hahaha.  Director had to act somemore. Budget can  Checking shots.  Sherman, Mr Soundman and his lovely chick, Janet!  Here's Kelvin the MR DSLR and Producer of the team!  Half the team present, but it was fun! tml round 2! Ok I'm not kidding when I said I have filming tml at 830 and I've to get ready by 730. Goodness, I've to go and get to sleep right now. But for now I shall leave you all with a hilarious picture, to emphasize the things Perth has resorted me to do. Fuck. I'm bored.
. . . . . . . .  MUSHY IN MY PINK UNDIES! HAHAHAHAH! I need a life. I was actually highly amused by myself. goodness gracious. Not only that, Perth has got me thinking about the most random things such as Necrophilla. I actually sat down in my chair and thought about.. What is going through the minds of people who have Necrophilla.
| necrophilla |
| n. abnormal {esp. erotic} attraction to corpses |
I actually researched it and i watched a really freaky video of the definition of "Undying love". Goodness. Not funny. Weird.
Ok time is running out, I've got to bounce. And As the aussies would say... "Goodnight Mates! Cheers! TA!" (Ta! simi lanjiao Ta! knnbccb.)Labels: filming, Perth, school |