From the VJC Prom Queen I received an email from VJC prom queen, Isabelle and she told me about this website that was fucking hilarious. I bet she was fucking bored and she discovered it man! hahaha. I went to check it out due to boredom and OMG PEOPLE'S LIVES ARE QUITE HILARIOUSLY FUCKED SOMETIMES! HAHAHAHHA! :))
The first post kept me laughing for minutes and I couldn't take it.
"Today, I was going to attempt to compliment my girlfriend, I planned on telling her that she smelled really nice. In a loving tone, I confidently told her, "Baby, you have a certain stench to you." FML
 Click on the picture to enter that website. Freaking hilarious. Love it. I think i shall post something about Perth on that website.
Ok, maybe not. who knows some australian might track me down and send some freaking aussie bird virus to me.
But I shall read on. It's funny. People chasing me to play Mahjong now.
Ya, I said it. Mahjong. The things we do in Perth. goodness. |