Hello all! Today is sunday and I've decided to post some random rubbish from my trip to Margaret River! Well, its a freaking 3 hours drive there and M and I had lots of freaking fun exploring and taking random photos :) Here's a few :)
 Me and Margaret River map!  at candy cow! with all the lollies and shit  hahahaha, looks like studio shot right? goodness. WINTER SONATA PICTURE!  Near the indian ocean! INDIAN OCEAN OK!? NOT EAST COAST PARK or WHATEVER SEA!  M having fun with his chips at the INDIAN OCEAN i've to stop being awed by the indian ocean. :)) Yup, there's more pictures coming up, but if you can't wait, there's always facebook! Whee!
Thus, to end of my entry, here's a video of how barren and lonely Margaret River is.
I'm retarded, I know. Please don't say im bimbotic cause I know im not. Hmmph.Labels: Jilvyn, margaret river, Perth |