This week has been quiet and busy and yet not so busy and I'm just being confused about this week. What abut this week?
Well, I woke up one morning and realised that I had presentation the next day and I haven't read anything about it and I was panicking like some freaking horse. Even better, the library didn't have that video that was suppose to be presented. Talk about Kan ni na bei chao chee bye to the max please.
Right on, rushed home, read the reader and chiong my heart out and presented it in the most retarded fashion ever, because speaking to ang mohs is quite a chore because Singaporeans speak too fast and apparenty they can't seem to be as quick witted as we think they are (no offense there, but seriously! they speak really slowly!)
Imagine when Singaporeans (especially starhub users, now now you better admit!) wanna save just that $0.10, they will just call and put down or they would probably do this as fast as anyone can...
Within that sentence, we were polite and quick and i bet any Singaporean can say this sentence in 2 secs.
Till now, I have to slow down my pace and speak proplerly and honestly, I can't pronounce filial piety. Is it PIE-TEE or PIE-LE-TY? Ok I know this sounds really bimbotic, but try it yourself, how to fuck do you pronounce it. OH GOD SAVE ME. This Ang Moh thing is just out of control! hahahha.
Before the presentation, I went on a poster shopping spree and I bought hella lot of posters man! hahahha. actually 4 only! 1 for jen, 2 for me and 1 for denise! hahaha. I hope she likes it man. Anyway. Jen apparently bought a poster for me too! So this is how it looks like on the wall/door!
 Apparently IM THE WORST GREATEST TROUBLEMAKER! Im not going to deny it. :))) Thanks Jen :))  NEW YORK IN MY ROOOOOOOOM!!! THIS IS THE ONE I BOUGHT!   Since I can't get there, might as well stare at it till I get there ....soon! I've been watching too much movies, but I always wanted to go to New York! Miami! LA! OMG! The chicks, the beach, the beverly hills,THE OC! The Love! OMG! THE LESBIANS! I WANNA GO USA!!!! Oh, and my other poster is a NEW YORK POSTER AS WELL.TILL I REACH SINGAPORE, IT WOULD BE UP :))
Ok not side tracking any more.
Anyway, to feel as asian as we possibly could, we went down to Spencer village and tried out the food there. OH BOY DID I FEEL LIKE HOME! :))) To prove it, I'll show you why.
 DOESNT THIS FEEL LIKE HOME!? Ok not really, but its FOOD COURT! It really feels bit like that yong peng (the stop-over place when Sinaporeans go to KL)  SINGAPURRRRRRA! OMG OMG OMG Me and Jen literally cried and scream and wail in front of that store! hahaha.  TOO EXCITED, TOO HIGH! OMG THE ADRENALINE RUSH! BUY EVERYTHING NOWWWWWWW! PS: look at the price, the price always brings you back to reality.reality? That you're in Perth.KWAY TEOW GORENG FOR 8 BUCKS? the malays and indians in Singapore would laugh at anyone who wants to pay that amount in Singapore. Sheesh aussies, what you eat man, GOLD?  The fourth picture there is actually . . . . . . . . . . . . .  This! The so called CAI DAO KUEH! (seriously taste like poop, dont try this) I was so excited to be able to eat cai dao kueh in perth, that when i went there and bought that shit, it turned out to be like poop, i nearly cried. But consolation, the malay stall's curry puff was awesome and the roti cenai didnt fail anyone down. The oyster omelete was relatively ok! but Daniel's Hokkien Mee had some prawn smell, weird prawn smell. The nasi lemak according to the critics (Eleen and Mich) was alright, and Jen's Malay soup thing which I dont know what it is or what its called, is not bad! hahahah. :))
PS: the ice kachang is pathetic, and the chin chow was in some weird milk sweet condensed milk shit solution. Weird Weird Weird.
BUT ALL IN ALL, WE WOULD STILL GO BACK TO THAT PLACE, because so far that's the only place that makes me feel as though I'm home. Yes yes, northbridge is chinatown where all chinese roam, but hey, it aint Singaporean enough for me. Spencer village really felt like home. IT EVEN HAD A&W and SARSI MAN! HOME HOME HOME. Oh and not forgetting kick-a-poo. GOODNESS. I miss home.
And I love being asian.Labels: asian. ang mohs, Perth |